So, I recently started an "Adventures with Faendal" playthrough where I ignore major quests (unless I haven't done them) and for the most part, I travel, stay at Inns at night (and every save point is a third person screenshot of Faendal, Me, and whoever else sitting in an Inn or Tavern), and clear out dungeons I pass, with or without quests.
I'm level 29. I know Faendal stops leveling at 30, and plan on gearing him well to keep him going. But that's beside the point.
I am mainly playing sneak/bow/dagger style with light armor.
I was sneaking through Pinewatch recently... Faendal fell a little behind, and I turn to see him, crouched, sneaking, and he does a Silent Roll (perk) to close the distance between us.
Now, I am playing on Xbox 360 and vanilla (albeit with all DLC), and everything I've ever read has said that Faendal does not have perks. I really doubt this. Did the latest patch add this? Even for literally one of the first possible followers? I swear he did it, although no one will probably believe me.
He is in a full enchanted scale armor set with a Dragon Priest mask (whichever allows waterbreathing and is light armor, I forget which), if that helps.
Has anyone encountered this? Has it been overlooked on all of the wikis?
Perhaps no one has used a low-level follower enough to get to the point where they would see such a perk?
What other perks does he get?
On a side note, does fortify one handed enchantments work on followers yet either?
Any input is welcome, thanks!