I have a door that is working normally with no problem until I place a script on it. The script's purpose is to simply disable an NPC the first time the door is used, however any time I place the script on the door it no longer activates normally. It returns to normal if the script is removed. I am unsure of why this is occurring. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The script is as follows:
begin RaesariaVaroDisableif ( menuMode == 1 ) ; checks to see if the game is paused / in inventory etc returnendifif ( ( player->getItemCount, "_vm_Varo_Manor_Key" ) >= 1 ) ; item required to enter if ( onActivate == 1 ) ; player uses door "_vm_raesaria_varo"->disable stopScript, "RaesariaVaroDisable" ; return ; just for safety, makes sure the script terminates right now endifendifend