I have unchecked HD texture pack. How to delete it from PC.
I don't need it because of performance issues.
I have unchecked HD texture pack. How to delete it from PC.
I don't need it because of performance issues.
Contact Steam Support and ask them to remove it from your account.
Why in the world would he want to do that? That's a massive waste of time for himself and the Steam support.
Vejn, just delete all files associated with the high resolution texture pack in the Skyrim data folder.
You want to delete the following files:
This will remove it from the PC entirely until you "validate" the Skyrim game files. Once you get a PC that can handle the high resolution texture pack then you can use it once again without any hassles involving the Steam support.
I don't see him mentioning "permanently" anywhere in his question. Why would anyone want to delete something from a game permanently when they can use them down the road with a better config?
P.S. - Steam will NOT re-download the files unless he validates, it's as simple as that.
"How to delete it from PC", he did not ask how to permanently remove or prevent from downloading upon installation. I told him how to successfully delete it from the PC and it will NOT re-download the files without validating. Sometimes it's best to read questions clearly to provide simple and hassle-free solutions.
as death_soul say.
But you have unchecked it, so your good to go...
Yes, even deleting the files is beyond necessity because they rely on the .esp files to be activated. I personally delete everything related to the texture packs as I have explained in my prior steps. I truly think that's what this guy wants to do, who wants to wait days to speak to Steam support to get something that's useful later on removed permanently when he may want it later. It's just a hassle for anyone to do something like that.
You don't seem to know much about Steam, no one is required to re-download anything if they make a backup of the game. It takes literally one minute to install the game when installing from a backup and 10 seconds to delete all associated files with the texture packs. Typically people don't need to re-install the game very often so is deleting four files really that difficult? Like I said, it's best not to over-complicate simple solutions and create hassles when there's simply no need. I have no more feedback for this topic though as I've already given my answer.
Actually he has done the "stupid" move to download them, without knowing that he can't delete them permanently, after the first time download.
that was my mistake too...three times installed the whole game, and the texture packs are there...lol (what the heck...)
But lucky me, my PC can handle them well enough...