diologues not working. adding item creation to npc

Post » Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:12 pm

i just followed a tutorial on youtube step by step for an npc that i want to make items from ores. i made it a quest gave her the diologues however when i go in game the option just wont appear? am trying to add the option for hrefna to make imperfect ingots from ores. tried to test giving her dilogue for iron ores however that doesnt appear? i noticed it seems to be the same as trying to get the follower diologue to appear. aventus has a quest which is wierd.

for my mod i have returned back to i am trying to have

hrefna make imperfect ingots

these will then be taken to erith who can make them into pure ingots. just need a little help to get these diologues to appear and the scripts to remove item and give item :smile:

but to make it simple i could have simple diologue on her like [i want you to make ingots from these ores.] then change all ores to imperfect ingots and the same with erith

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