[spoilers!] Politics confusd Ulfric why Thalmor?

Post » Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:44 pm

I did the quest chain to make Ulfric King so he's like not king??? What'd he say? Like he was gonna put it to a vote or somethn? What'd I bust a nut trying to make that long winded sissy king for if he just wanted to be a stupid politician!? Do I have to super glue that crown to that emo baby's head?

What'd that last dude we executed mean, *boogey boogey* "the Thalmor had this planned all along." Was he trying to mind [censored] cause he lost or did he really know something?

AND MOST IMPORTANT -- WHY ARE ALL THALMOR ELVES!!!! I am getting real tired of everyone looking at my race as if it was the worst kind of evil. Not all high elves are bad. Why are they all bad in Skyrim?

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Princess Johnson
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Post » Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:34 pm

Ulfric's about following old nordic tradition. Claiming high king would be premature, the Skyrim way is to hold a moot and vote the king in. Though since every jarl supports him, it's pretty much guaranteed.

The Thalmor had an interest in the rebellion. They wanted it to be a stalemate and never resolve. Both sides know the thalmor wanted the war to happen, but they definitely don't want either side to win.

And the thalmor are a political group that originated in Summerset Isle, where the High Elves are from. They formed the aldmeri dominion with Valenwood(Wood elves), and took on Elsweyr(Khajiit) to make it a client state. The thalmor themselves seem to be old school high elves are perfect and everyone else is garbage types of high elves. Not all high elves in skyrim are thalmor. There's several in Solitude, Windhelm, and Falkreath that have no affiliation with the Thalmor.
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Post » Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:45 am

Ulfric is now the only choice for High King at the next Moot. He will be elected as High King because all of the current Jarls supported Him, or became Jarls because of the Civil War.

Tulius is somewhat correct in His little rant prior to being decapitated, it is just Beth playing a Guilt Card.

The Thalmor are Altmer because Bosmer Thalmor supporters are too busy keeping Valenwood free of dissenting Bosmer, and no sane Dunmer would be a Thalmor supporter. Thalmor also dislike Orsimer, because they worship a flawed perversion of Trinimac, and consider Malacath more important than Auri-El.

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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:52 pm

Ulfric is honoring Nordic Tradition within Skyrim.. one does not simply say "Im the new high-king, bow at my greatness!", they must be voted in during the Moot (which is when all the Jarls meet to decide on the new high-king).. (similar to how a new Pope is chosen in the Roman Catholic church).. I am sure he would love to be high-king, but only if the people of Skyrim wish it..

Tullius was speaking the truth.. when the Emperor signed the White-gold concordant he never intended it to be a permanent thing, he simply wanted a chance to rebuild the Legions Strength after it was decimated at "the Batlle of the Red Ring" before starting up the war again.. However, Ulfric being enraged of the whole deal started a Rebellion, so any power the Legion did regain, had to be sent to Skyrim to maintain Stability rather then preparing for the next Great War.. thus the Entire Skyrim Civil War is doing nothing but helping the Thalmor and the Dominion in the long run...
If i recall correctly Tullius pretty much tells you all this if you side with the Legion..

All the Thalmor are elves because they are the Political ruling party of the Aldmeri Dominion (the Political Body ruling the Summerset Isle and now Valenwood, the home provinces of Bosmer and Altmer), as such all Thalmor Officers are Altmer with a few Bosmer thrown in...

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Post » Sat Oct 12, 2013 12:51 am

I like to think Ulfric's might makes right approach would lose him support when it came time for the moot, most of the Jarl's probably only supported Ulfric out of fear he would turn on them next. None of them had any protection against someone trained to use the Voice, willing to use it against his own people to get what he wanted. The choice was theirs who would be king next, Ulric had just killed their previous choice, would they really have chosen Ulfric? Seemed to me the challenge had proved who was the better man and it was not the one who survived. Ulfric's killing of the king did not seem that honorable to me, since he chose to use his ability to shout. Elisif was too weak and indecisive to remain queen, so I doubt the Jarl's would vote for her. Throw the Empire out, let Ulric do all the hard work, then the Thalmor, the Empire or more likely his own people could do away with him in some underhanded way, and the moot would have probably chosen Balgruuf, who was a warrior, a fit ruler and honored the old ways, unlike Ulfric.

Skyrim alone could never win the war against the Thalmor, so in the end some little civil war where the Nord's fought each other probably made no difference, no matter who became Skyrim's next ruler, or who won the civil war. It was hardly the first time the Nords were at war with each other, only this time there was the Thalmor waiting to take advantage.

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Post » Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:41 am

That the High King has to be elected by the Jarls at a moot is actually an idea Beth probably got from early medieval Scandinavia, where kings were elected by the noblemen. Not seldom with the support of a little army...
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Sat Oct 12, 2013 12:51 am

He goes off on a speech and waits for a moot which never happens in-game. If you join the Imperials Ulfric dies and Elisif is the likely candidate for queen but a moot never happens.

Contrary to what 12 year olds who are waiting for 'Skyrim 2' to come out may say to you despite all thalmor being high elves (and bosmer/khajiit), not all high elves are thalmor. Mr Ocato made quite a fine ruler of the Empire, there's Legate Fasendil, Nelacar, the mages at the College who appear to have no love for the Thalmor, the senile guy, Calcelmo who wants some Redguard booty, farmers and shop owners. Oh and of course the sub-protagonists of the College the Psijic monks.

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Post » Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:25 pm

This. No matter who wins, a High King/Queen is never crowned in-game.

And what he said about the Thalmor, too: they may all be High Elves, but not all High Elves (or Bosmer) are Thalmor, nor do they all support the Thalmor. In fact, some are decidedly anti-Thalmor.

Doubtful; if Ulfric wins the Civil War, all the jarls of the holds are either jarls that supported him to begin with or jarls that have gained their positions because of him. Jarls that opposed him have been deposed and exiled to the basemant of the Blue Palace. The same could be said for Elisif: if the Empire wins the CW, all the ruling jarls will have either supported them all along or have gained their positions due to their direct influence; Stormcloak-supporting jarls end up clustered in the Palace of the Kings complaining about their bad fortune (although at least they're not in the basemant :D).

Whoever wins the CW will have virtually unanimous backing for High King/Queen.

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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:07 pm

Well I feel a little better about the Thalmor not being everywhere in everything elf. But this never actually seeing a high king rule is a disappointment.

Thx 4 answrs.

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