First time playing, which build should I go with?

Post » Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:08 pm

I got FO3 and New Vegas on a steam sale. I haven't played New Vegas at all, but I've been really looking forward to it (I'm finishing up FO3 right now.)

I've been looking at the Wiki trying to decide how I'm going to approach the game. I'm probably going to play on hardcoe mode, maybe on Hard mode - but leaning toward normal since I don't really like HP walls.

I had two build ideas, the first is one I'd do for "optimizing" with a few quirky choices of my own (I know that people don't think Travel Light is a good perk.) The second build I came up with because I wanted to have a high charisma and it turns out that I can dump some things if I do an Unarmed build.

So here are the two builds I'd like to play through the game as.

Which do you think I should go with? Rate my builds!

Neutral/Goodish Karma Guns Build (Male - not that it matters here.)
Starting Stats
6 Int
1 Cha
5 strength
5 Perception
8 Luck
7 Agi
8 Endurance

Dump Charisma, since I intend to be stealthy my minion won't be in the fray as much, thus they don't need the benefits. 5 strength for the eventual 8 strength needed to use all weapons.

Wild Wasteland

Wild Wasteland for the sheer curiosity of it. Small Frame would be the only "Optimized" thing I'd switch it out for.

2 - Light Touch
4 - Educated
6 - Travel Light
8- Commando
10 - Pack Rat
12 - Silent Running
14 - Handloader
16 - Better Criticals
18 - Strong Back
20 - Jury Rigging
22 - Toughness 1
24 - Finesse
26- Tunnel Runner
28 - Nerves of Steel
30 - Burden to Bear
32 - Toughness 2
36 - Sniper
38 - Gunslinger
40 - The Professional
42 - Math Wrath 70 Science
44 - Shotgun Surgeon
46 - And Stay Down
48 - Cowboy
50 - Just Lucky I'm alive

The main thing I was attracted to here was Travel Light, followed by Tunnel Runner. Moving around faster is extremely appealing. Light Touch was simply a natural choice after those two perks and thus I built around the idea of making my criticals as high as possible.

Ultimately I'll probably be using a Sniper Rifle the most, keeping my distance and being stealthy, though at higher levels I'll pick up the Shotgun perks for the fun of it.

Evil Cannibal Unarmed Build (Female for Black Widow.)

Starting Stats
4 Int
9 Cha
7 Strength
1 Perception
8 Endurance
6 Agility
5 Luck

Perception isn't as useful when you aren't picking up related perks, which there are none for an unarmed build, and since Luck adds to all skills, it gets a little more love while not as much as my crit-based build. It will be a pain to make up for the loss of Lockpick skill though. Need to get an implant for Agility before level 24 to pick up Slayer.

Might consider taking a 5 strength and a 7 luck with the anticipation that I'd be using +2 strength boosting power armor.

Heavy Handed

Heavy Handed is my big excuse for not bothering so much with Crits. I think it's a good trade, and it meant that i could dump luck a little more.

2 - Black Widow
4 - Educated
6 - Cannibal
8 - Super Slam
10 - Rad Child
12 - Piercing Strike
14 - Unstoppable Force
16 - Purifier
18 - Paralyzing Palm
20 - Them's good eatin
22 - Strong Back
24 - Slayer
26 - Nerves of Steel
28 - Toughness 1
30 - Implant GRX
32 - Jury Rigging
34 - Toughness 2
36 - Stonewall
38 - Ferocious Loyalty
40 - Adamantium Skeleton
42 - Life Giver
44 - Intense Training - Endurance
46 - Hit the Deck
48 - Atomic
50- Aint like that now

Most of what I need for boosting Unarmed Skill is obtained by level 24. Everything after that is defensive. Might consider putting Math Wrath in there, but I'm not sure how important Vats will be except as an occasional action slow down when necessary.

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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Sat Oct 12, 2013 8:36 am

Go with any build you desire, you can't complete this game in one shot. It's frankly impossible. Anything will beat the game, even a passive persuasive build.

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Post » Sat Oct 12, 2013 5:36 pm

Well that's kind of why I made the post, I can't decide which one I want to go with.

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