Just recently got a gaming PC, Skryim was the first game I bought. Logged over 500 hours on PS3 and the primary reason I bought a gaming PC is this game. It's one of my favorites of all time and I saw all of the mods that make the game better and more immersive. Fast forward to yesterday. ~40 hours into my first save, I'm about to
Also, note that the only mods I've added in the past ~3 days is Skyrim community level uncapper and Double Cursor Fix DCF Plugin.
What I've tried:
Deleting built up saves
Using console command and going coc qasmoke to dev room and waiting 31 in-game days to reset everything
Un-installing all mods individually and testing after the un-installation of each mod.
Deleting my .ini files and loading skyrim back up so that it makes new ones
Loading an older save and messing around on it for a little while then loading my broken save and trying to enter the keep
Mods I have/had installed [putting spoiler because it's a long list] and the only programs I have are NMM and SKSE:
-Run/Sprint/Jump/Jog re-animation
-Bosmer armor pack, high res
-Bucklers complete set
-DreamBurrows Regal Assassin Armor
-Immersive Armors V6
-Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization, Dungeons and the Wilds
-Cloaks of Skyrim
-Winter is Coming - Cloaks
-Dragon Combat Overhaul
-Garm the Husky Companion
-Alternate Start - Live Another Life
-Skyrim Community Uncapper
-Apachii Skyhair
-Beards - high resolution
-Brows - high resolution
-Superior Lore-Friendly Hair HD
-Eyes of Beauty
-Camping Kit of the Northern Ranger
-Dead Body Collision fix
-Gaurd dialogue overhaul
-Lore based loading screens
-Physical rain and snow BSA version
-Wet and Cold
-Fur Armor aMidianBorn
-Book Covers for Skyrim
-Closer Quivers, Longer Arrows
-Skyrim HD 2k Textures (full set)
-Project Reality, Climates of Tamriel
-ShowRaceMenu by Precache Killer
-Helgen Reborn
-A Quality World Map
-Categorized Favorites Menu
-Burn/Freeze/Shock effects
-Enhanced Blood Textures
-Sharpshooters Extreme Graphics ENB - original version
-JaySuS Swords V13C
-Scoiatael Weapons
My PC specs -
Intel i5 2500k 3.3GHz
GTX 550 Ti
12GB Corsair Ram
ASUS P8Z68-V Motherboard
Win 7 pro
Please help me fix my game