Well, I completed the 15 daedric quest (in my diary appears 15 completed missions) and i don`t get the achievement "Oblivion Walker". I have:
- The Black Star.
- Ebony Mail.
- Masque of Clavicus Vile.
- Savior′s Hide
- Volendrung
- Mehrune`s Razor
- Ebony Blade
- Dawnbreaker
- Mace of Molag Bal
- Ring of Namira
- Spellbreaker
- Rose of Sanguine
- Wabbajack
- Skull of Corruption
- Oghma Infinium (i read it)
My quiestions: Is it necesary to get both Hircine artifacts (ring and savior`s hide) and get 16 artifacts insted 15? Is t an achievment bug?