*drops everything I'm doing with a sudden vicious change of personality*
Yeah. It'd be the Dragonborn more known for squid magic than dragon shouting.
Honestly I think Hevnoraak has the right of it playing a Talos worshiping Nord whose corrupted by power and becomes a monster like the ones he fought, is more interesting than Genericborn.
Power-corrupted heroes are always more interesting than those who are born good, live good and die good.
Subversion is the key to interesting stories.
To be fair to those who play as a basic copy of the Conan Cosplay guy seen in the trailers and promos or as some call him the "GenericBorn" or "Trailer character", it would fit the overall story very well. Prophesied Chosen one saves the world from Dragons then saves the world from vampires and disappears to a far away land.
Although I agree a Miraak like character is far more interesting than Standard McDefault, becoming what you fought in your last great battle is an interesting twist.
I think I just got interested in playing Skyrim again using Miraak as a template. I just wonder if absorb magic works against dragons and how to do the unlimited shout glitch.
Would ye care to describe the genericborn in detail? What makes him generic?
Spell absorption does absorb Dragon shouts/breath.
I assume you're on console. Youtube "fortify restoration glitch." Or better yet, just youtube "infinite shout cool-down."
It is essential. Dragon Aspect, then shout like a boss. And shove Mora's tentacle through people's heads. Summon Seekers for some ranged support. If you want to know when I started Dragonborn, I visited Solstheim proper after fighting Sahloknir, returning the Horn of Jergen, and mastering Unrelenting force. I finished Dragonborn, then continued the MQ afterwards, "at my full potential, First and Last." Once I got to the Elder-scroll part, I was led to Dawnguard in search of it... and then that lead to the Dawnguard questline intertwining, and I think you get the idea.
Just some food for thought if you need some inspiration.
You aren't describing the traits that make the character in the trailer generic. You're just calling him generic. Why is he generic? Thoughts?
I was thinking of completing the MQ first, but at the same time it would make no sense for me to ignore Miraak's cultists that long before going to Solstheim. What do you think of becoming a Vampire Lord just for Necromage?
Because most people play him as the hero who saves the world, that has all this power yet is uncorruptible.
I didn't do it myself. But I do have Vampire Lordism planned for my second iteration. I don't see a problem with it per say, the more power, the merrier!
Warning about spell absorption: Due to Bugthesda's inability to check a single check-box[Oh, Beth], summon spells can be "absorbed." With Miraak's full gear, you'll have 20 - 25 spell absorption. That should be fine. Every once and awhile you'll summon blanks, but it's workable. Just do not go above that. Once you hit 50% absorption, summoning becomes a liability. So focus on magic resist instead.
For me, it would probably be my khajiit thief. Ive always thought it would be way more interesting if say, 1-200 years after the civil war and defeat of alduin, the legend of the last dragonborn was "warped" to be the stereotypical Nord warrior, when in reality it was actually a khajiit thief, who preferred his trusty dwarven crossbow, and who only worked to defeat alduin because the end of the world would be "bad for business". Imagine in some future TES game, a scholar uncovers the truth and is intrigued and horrified at the same time.
I'm just thinking about because Dual Casting (Alteration) + Dragonhide + + Stability + Necromage = Good Times.
How do you know how most people play him? Does your character not save the world? Does your character damn it somehow? Is saving the world the defining factor in being generic and if so, does that mean that all Elder Scrolls heroes are infact generic?
How do you define incorruptible?
If you only like heroes that are corrupted and become evil, isn't that generic?