No DLC's. Just vanilla Skyrim on the Xbox. I'm staying stage 4 to have both the challenge and role play of being an outcast who is attacked on sight.
I leveled my character and acquired my gear before taking on vampirism.
I have a smithed steel dagger (45 damage with one handed leveled to 100). Master Robes of Illusion and shoes (0lbs) enchanted with muffle. Though, I think with the muffle and silence perks in sneak the enchantment is redundant. That's it for equipment.
One handed, sneak, smithing, and illusion are leveled to 100. Restoration is leveled to 75 (level 70 to take necromage perk, and 5 more to get to player level 40 to get master robes to show up in vendor inventories). Sneak is fully perked. Smithing just steel. One handed just the first 5. Illusion all but the magic cost cutters above apprentice level. And restoration just the three needed to take necromage.
I leveled one handed and sneak before getting out of Helgon keep. I leveled illusion and restoration in Bloodlet Throne (the fire trap is handy!) Smithing was leveled in Dawnstar with the aid of the Khajiit chest for materials and gold. Muffle boots were found in the smithy's inventory. And the Khajiits were kind enough to give me the 10K+ in gold I later needed to buy Master Robes of Illusion in Dawnstar. I did all this while staying at player level 1 by not opening up the skills menu.
Still level 1, I headed back to Bloodlet and picked a fight with a vamp till I got infected, and collected fury, fear, and calm spells so conveniently located in my future home. Being level 1 made the job easy. Then the race was on to find me some master robes and boots of muffle before I hit stage 4. Take all the level ups, putting everything into stamina, and the only perks I took for now were the necromage. Fast traveled back to Dawnstar and gave the smithy a sore nose until he gave me muffle boots. Fast traveled to Whiterun Stables and hired a carriage to take me to Solitude. Gave the clerk at the Radiant Raiment a sore nose until she gave me Master Robes of Illusion and I also bought my shoes from her. Fast traveled back to Dawnstar and went to the hall and enchanted my shoes. Fast traveled to the Guardian Stones and waited till vampirism set in. With the vamp/necromage combo now active I took all my perks and equiped my robes. Walked to Riverwood and smithed my steel dagger looted while in Helgon keep. Went back up the river and across the lake and activated The Lady Stone. Went back the Guardian Stones. Waited until stage 4 set in. Fast traveled back to Bloodlet and cleaned my new home of some pesky squatters. Waited 30 days to reset everything but Bloodlet. 4MB save file.
I only use the dagger, calm, fear, and fury. I can dual cast them all with only 100 in magica. The robes combined with the necro/vamp combo makes my magica recharge like it was never depleted.
In addition to the spells and dagger I use the night vision lesser power and invisibility greater power. That's it! The necro/vamp combined with perks makes it possible for dual cast calm, fear, and fury to work on anything up to like NPC level 70 or some such thing. Fun stuff!
Sneak, backstab, and silent casting makes it all very potent. Only 100 in health makes it all very dangerous.