Never understood the whole dream thing

Post » Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:58 am

Dear lore forumists, I have some silly questions, again.

1. The world is godhead's dream. Whose head is that? Whose dream the world is?
2. Is there anything outside the dream? Another world? Or the "god-place"? And what is that?
3. If knowing chim makes one able to reshape the reality, shouldn't a chimster be more powerful than gods,
which are part of the dream, if they are, I don't know.
4. How is chim reached?

Thank you for your answers. (If there will be any :P)

Edit: Sorry it seems I put this to Series discussion. Moderators, move it!
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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:23 pm

I am far from being any lore master but I will try to explain how I understand it, that said I am probobly wrong in many cases if not in all of it.

1 and 2.Godhead is just Godhead , I don't think it's any specific person, nor is it a place, it's absolutum. everything and nothing , impossible to comprehend in other words then just Godhead

3. Yes and CHIMsters are more powerfull then anyone but every act as CHIM can cause Godhead to wakeup and that forces some restraints on them, also once you became CHIMster every second of your life is walking on a thin line to avoid zero summing.

4. 1 you must realize that everything and that incluedes you is just a dream 2 you must retain your identiy while your doing it to avoid zero summing. In short being Narcisst can help .

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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:33 am

Thanks a lot, you have been vey helpful :)
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Sakura Haruno
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