Hello all, I've been having this quite odd error with this game where every no and there I'd get a Windows warning message telling me that "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive \Device\Harddisk\DR1". This doesn't actually crash the game; upon pressing any of the buttons on the error message another two displaying the same message again and then I can just continue on playing the game..until I get it again at some seemingly arbitrary point.
This appear a lot of different areas in the game, but does not seem to happen until I get further into the main story (I've yet to play any of the DLC apart from Anchorage and that didn't seem to give me a problem to my recollection), There happened quite a lot with the quest to wipe out some of the Enclave after going through the car tunnel, but again it happens in lots of different world cells.
This is a modded game however I can't imagine why that would be a problem and more to a point this is the legitimate Steam GOTY version. It's location on the HDD is through the default Steam location (Programs (x86), maybe that could be the problem? I have heard FO3 doesn't like being localised through that path.
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks for reading.