For example, if you're doing the dark brotherhood questline. Do you try to do the quests seamlessly and without distraction, or do you just flit around and collect other side quests and explore the dungeons? Because I used to do side quests and such along the way, however after i got back to the questline i'd feel like i was "out of place", i.e its been too long since i interacted with the questline, so now im not really in the questline's mood.
Lets say i met this NPC in a random dungeon out in the wilderness. If i were to accept the quest, i'd have to "sacrifice" either that quest or the questline, as i can only do one quest at a time. And i just feel really out of place if i were to accept the quest, do some other quest and then return to the original quest later. It'd be like "Okay, im back to do the quest....wait. Whats this quest about again?Okay, im getting that for NPC X. What did he need the item for again? " It just feels funny to randomly come back to a quest and complete it like a task, instead of an experience.
Not sure im making sense here.
So now i'd mostly ignore these side quests, problem being i might just forget about it (since its in some random place out in the wilderness.)