I've played about 6,000 hours of Skyrim, only on XBox & Playstation, with many characters, so I'm reasonably well informed with the game.
However, my character has a constant cloud surrounding him of (what appears to be) frost damage...yet without any damage.
I've used alters to heal, and potions, I've de-vampired him, & re-vampired him, I've deleted the entire gaming file and downloaded it all again (I have all the add ons on etc), I've tried reloading other characters (all fine) & then reloading this character...but I don't have a saved game (on tis level 99 character) prior to this issue.
I cannot recall when this happened, but as I said, no prior saved games on him that don't have him enveloped in the frost cloud. (It looks like a frost cloud.)
It's only annoying as every time I cease moving forward, or turn or back up, I am enveloped in a cloud of frost looking mist, which inhibits me seeing anything.
I've had other glitches on other characters, within the game (not on the actual characters) like a trail of Clairvoyance in Dragonsreach that has never dissipated over 450 hours of game play with that character...but this issue on my Altmer obvioulsy follows me everywhere.
If anyone has any options or thoughts for a "fix" for my Altmer, I'd be much appreciative.