I'm trying to get hostile actors to use a healing potion when their base health falls below certain thresholds as long as if they have the required potion in their inventory.
The hostile actors are placed in a quest where a combat over-ride package is applied.
The Public Package Data is as follows:
SearchLocation Location Near Self, radius 10
SearchOwnInventory Bool True
PotionToSelect TargetSelector RestoreHealth01
The package is designed as follows using two procedures in sequence
Procedure - Find
Procedure - Eat
I have set the Interrupt Override to Combat, and have applied no conditions to the package or procedure.
To cover both bases, i have placed this package in the quests Alias Package Data, and also on a formlist for the Combat Override Package List.
I have verified the actors are placed in the quest yet the actor only uses a potion when at low health.
Any advice would be appreciated