So I just started a new mage (armorless) that is mainly doing destruction, and of course I went straight to the Mage's college. I go to do the Saarthal quest...
I get to the room with the Draugr Death Lord (I remember this being hard on all my playthroughs)...
As I am level 4-5 at the time, using an apprentice level magic spell will completely drain my mana, so I start dual blasting him with frostbite...
And his health literally looks like it is not depleting I am blasting with all my might, and he just seems unaffected. I jump and run to dodge his power attack from his 2h sword, and run across the room wondering what to do. Luckily, Marcurio caught up right then and started blasting him, taking chunks out of his health each hit.
I then realized Marcurio is a far superior mage than I.
Is doing a mage always so difficult in low levels?