I've made an NPC follower into a generic marriage candidate using PotentialMarriageFaction and the FemaleSultry voice type. Marriage, moving and adoption (Hearthfire) seem to work, except the following line has no audio.
"This is the happiest day of my life. Where should we live? My home is your home now, of course."
The lines pertaining to opening a store don't play either, even though the "What do you have for sale?" and "Has the store made any money" choices are available. The store will open as normal, but it has no merchandise other than what's in the follower's inventory. It also has no gold and never gains any, even if I buy something.
Thoughts? I've made other followers marriagable using http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36341//? and some other voice types, and I've never had this problem.