Not sure if this is the Alternate Start mod or a vanilla bug, but it seems that when following Hadvar through the Helgen attack, my character is killed and ragdolled just after he tells me to stick close to the wall. Alduin uses Toor Shul, lifts off and I follow Hadvar through the burning house (before Tullius tells him they're leaving), which is when my character just...gets killed. I hear the Toor Shul at this stage, and the strangest thing is - and I didn't wait this time for it to happen because it really annoyed me - the last time my character literally ragdolled back into a standing position and came back to life; I had control over them as if they'd never died. I have no doubt the same would have happened this time round.
My last hardsave was in the prison of the Alternate Start mod, where the statue of Mara is located. The game autosaves right before the execution/vanilla character creation no matter what (I have all autosaves turned off), although there isn't any character creation prompt in Helgen any longer - Hadvar just continues on to his remarks about the player's race. Now, is it safe or advisable to use that autosave? I know autosaves are risky things to use, but I don't want to sit through the wagon ride again if I don't need to (if it's better to do that, fine...but I'm hoping it isn't). Maybe next time I'll make a hardsave in anticipation of that bug...