Hi all..
I am really looking forward to the new Fallout game as I'm sure the rest of you lot are!
My questions here though is this. As much as I totally LOVE the Brotherhood of Steel etc..
I was wondering if we could actually join the Enclave if it's going to still exist in any new games
as I'm sure there are still factions of them all over the U.S. and Canada and probably here in
Europe also (in the Fallout Universe! ) that are still highly active and fighting again TBOS.
The reason why I am asking that, is because I think the Enclave are pretty cool and have VB's,
Awesome Technology and the idea of doing Enclave Quests sounds awesome to me as
everyone hates the Enclave so that would make the Quests more fun and stuff...
Would it also be possible to use some of the technology that's laying around like in bunkers and
stuff apart from just the weapons like in Fallout 3 you are able to fire two nukes from a Military
base up north of the map but you never really see what happens and you aren't able to choose
Anyway my main question was just about the Enclave because they are Evil and stuff, that's
my perfect type of faction that I'd love to be able to join... ...
Also would it be possible to go into every single building that you come across?
Just it really svcks coming across a Military base or house's etc and having the door totally sealed
up as I'd love to be able to explore everywhere and inside of everything and I'm sure everyone else
here has the same wishes..
Anything, thank you for taking the time to read this!