I was wondering if there was someone out there who was more artistically capable than I that could recreate one of the facial tattoos worn by the Dalish Elves in Dragon Age Origins as a war paint for female Imperial characters.
I tried doing it myself, but was found to be incapable of creating anything but the most simple of designs in MSPaint or GIMP. I do not have a tablet or other artistic tools.
I also tried ripping the texture file for the tattoo itself using Dragon Age Origin's toolkit's *.erf extractor. It turned out to be a 512x512 *.dds texture file, and I'd hoped it was compatible. But when I put it into my game using Skyrim's Creation Kit, it came out half clear, half blotchy... and on top of my character's head, rather than on her face. So there was a bit of an alignment issue.
It'd be great if someone could try to recreate the tattoo for me. It doesn't have to be exact or anything.
http://i.imgur.com/j25SFmS.jpg This is an ingame character creation screenshot of the tattoo that I'd like.
http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/084/4/d/dalish_tattoos_reference_by_aeonathenne-d5zavke.png This is a reference picture that I found on DeviantArt that someone had drawn. The one that I like is the one in the top left corner.
If possible, I'd prefer it if it were in a kind of faded dark reddish color (not like the one in the screenshot -- I chose the darkest option so it'd be easiest to see).
Thank you~