A theory about Dragon preist masks.

Post » Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:10 pm

Well more of ahttp://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WildMassGuessingreally: The Dragon cult lasted for hundreds if not thousands of years, far longer than the lifespans of the Nords/Nedes who made it up. The question recently occered to me; were there multiple generations of Dragon Preists? Initially I thought; no, the DP's are undead, they didn't need succession. But, it's mentioned in game that they've only recently awkened, meaning that Raghot would have been alive in 1E 140, at least 150 years after the Dragon cult fell. How did he live for so long? Then I thought the title of dragon preist is passed down when one dies, but then why does Raghot have a statue in the Dragon cult shrine? then it hit me: mantling. The masks contain everything their DP is, when a Dragon Preist dies and another cultist (who has been conditioned to become the DP) takes the mask and becomes one with the preist, in the same way as one does when one mantles a God. The Raghot we meet in Skyrim is not the same Raghot wose statue is in Labarynthian, Just a cultist who mantled him.

sorry, this theory made alot mare sense when I was falling asleep last night

What do you guys think? Is this plausable or am I just needlessly overcomplicating things?

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