the 80% is actually a soft cap... You can get above that, but with diminishing values...Test 567 armor, then try over 1000armor, and tell me theres nio difference..
I dont use the Restoration glitch, and my highest armor rating was around 1600-1800, and there was CONSIDERABLE difference in dmg taken from when i changed to a set that had below 800 AR...Enough so that i decided immediately after that encounter to go back to my higher set, and was once againa walking tank...This was when i was on my ps3, so no mods, no nothing...Before any of the dlc also i believe...
Sincde then, ive upgraded to the legendary pc edition, and have modded my lil hiney off.. Primarily a sword&board plauyer,im now trying pure mage, and assassins, or barbarians in light, or no armor...Ive had SUCH a difficult time adjusting to the difference in dmg intake without my shield, and with light armor it almost frusterated me to the point of returning to a tank/paladin.. Nevertheless, i stuck it out, and have since had to drop from Master/Legendary difficulty, to Adept/Expert...Maybe i got too used to such high AR, and a shield with the limitless bash/stunlock, that i simply need to relearn to play.. I did iinstall some mods that adjust Ai, so that they dont allow stunlocking, use better attacks, and dont act like walking target dummies... Much better now, though bosses always seem to 1 shot me no matter how much buffing, potions, healing, followerss i have with me...
Edit: One thing ive never understood is damage from archers... Arrows seem to iunflict maximum pain, no matter the AR.. Anyone else experienced this? Once to the point where im able to take several power attacks to the forehead, with a warhammer, arrows still seem to penetrate much harder.. Any varification here?