the level of respawned enemies

Post » Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:03 pm

Hey so I know that some enemies/dungeons/camps (so on and so forth) respawn in 10-30 in game days, but I've never been sure if their level scales with you after they've resapawned.

To clarify, I know if you don't clear a dungeon the enemies that respawn will be the same level as the enemies when you initially encountered them, but I'm not sure how it works after you've cleared a dungeon and revisit, say, 15 levels later.

It's just something I've been wondering about for a while now, and any information on it would be nice.

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Alba Casas
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Post » Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:08 pm

I think it'll scale.

I normally get to Valtheim Towers by level 15. I see Maruaders by the time I'm level 30 at that place.
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Post » Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:40 am

Outdoor locations like Valtheim Towers propably keep scaling up but indoor dungeons get locked to their levels you first visit them. That's my assumption.

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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:57 pm

It all depends really. The Level Range for an area is set the first time you enter it. Most areas can have a range of 5 levels (from a little below to a little above yours) that is set at this time. So, a cave you visit early can have low level monsters for the rest of the game.

However, there are dungeons that will be set much higher than your character level because your not supposed to go in there yet.

And, there are Radiant quests which will put a level scaled enemy into an otherwise lower leveled cave.

Then there are the Bosses, which can be significantly higher than the other enemies and you, but not always.

So, just save before you enter a cave in case you want to reload and ignore it for now.

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neil slattery
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Post » Thu Oct 24, 2013 8:28 pm

It all depends on the leveled monsters the developer placed. They have a number of choices of level range, and they can place ones that scale as far up as they go, and others that have level caps. There's no tracking of initial level involved anywhere I've looked. It may look that way if the mobs were at the level cap when you first visited, then they won't be different when you go back.

For loot, it may be different, as there are rewards created by radiant scripts when they run. If the quest doesn't depend on you picking them up, then when you go back, they still exist from last time. Since they're not defined as part of the cell, the reset won't affect them.

I don't think any enemies are spawned by radiant story, it usually matches an existing boss instead of making a new one.
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:57 pm

I really wish they made all locations respawnable; Labyrinthian and Bleak Fall Barrows are two specific ones i know that doesn't reset with enemies and loot and it's very odd. Not sure why they chose to do this.

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Anna S
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Post » Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:07 pm

Well crap. I always face a little trepidation when going Ranbow and just clearing out a bunch of dungeon and caves at low levels, and i guess its for good reasons. I just think the game is much more fun at higher levels, and I'm always worried that when i revist those locations later that i'll just kill everything without a challenge. I guess at low levels i'll just focus on the outdoor enemies as best i can

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Javier Borjas
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