Why Bethesda owes the modding community a salary

Post » Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:21 am

I recently got back into the game after more than a year away. In that time a lot has happened and one of those things was DLC's. Even though I haven't finished the main quest yet (I take my time), I purchased the Hearthfire DLC because building my own home sounded very useful. Anyway, I got Lakeview Manor built, and I thought the design of the building process was fine. Makes you work for it, but once the house was complete the bugs were a real turn off.

First bug I discovered was the mannequins in the armory. I built them, left the house, come back and they have moved all around, no longer standing on their pedestal. Having dealt with bugs in ES games for 10 years, after having a quick look for a mod that would fix the issue, I loaded a save from before I built the mannequins and decided I didn't need them. svcks but I don't need the headache.

Moving on, I start to attempt to put favorite weapons in the various display cases, nope, not working. I again hit the nexus and this time found a mod. Ok, that's good, at least I don't have to load an old save again to skip all the display cases, that's something at least.

Next, after a long day of building I go upstairs to my bedroom and find my wife Aela, standing by the bed. Interesting. Over the course of the next few nights I learn her pattern, go to bed at 11PM, stand by bed and stare. Wow, nice bug that, doesn't break immersion at all. No mods this time and I can't find a fix for it though I see many people complaining about the bug, but usually they are complaining about stewards showing that behavior, well for me it's my wife. Disappointing...

Now my wife no longer has the dialog to move to a different house, load an old save, still gone, but I know it was there before..?

The point to this is, I've been playing since Morrowind, and with each release it never ceases to amaze me that Bethesda releases such shoddy, bug filled work. Yes, the games are great and I've spent hundreds if not thousands of hours playing, but why is it that it seems every day I'm forced to hit the nexus to find a fix for a new bug that I've just encountered?

Bethesda, stop taking advantage of the modding community and either employ the top modders so they can fix many of the bugs before release, or just start QA'ing your games better. I don't expect the game to be perfect, bugs happen, but really guys, you can't release a DLC like Hearthfire and not know that the display cases don't work, the mannequins walk around, and stewards/spouses will pull a Paranormal Activity trick and just stand and stare at the bed. For just about everyone, these kinds of problems really svck.

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Joie Perez
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Post » Sat Oct 26, 2013 1:07 pm

Bethesda does not owe the modding community a salary.
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Sat Oct 26, 2013 8:39 pm

Modding is a hobby, not a job. The fact that mods are free to make, use and share is what makes the modding community work so well. Everyone has equal ground to contribute.
Paying modders would ruin the community, and it's not going to happen.

We are lucky that Bethesda is passionate about modding and releases the tools for us to use. And I think that being able to create and use mods is reward enough.

Also, every game has bugs and problems, not just Bethesda games.

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Lewis Morel
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