Weirdest problem with launching SKSE

Post » Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:22 am


I wonder if anyone can help me figure out why I suddenly can't launch Skyrim with SKSE. I've been using SKSE without a problem for ages, but earlier this evening I ALT-TABBED out of the game -- as I've done many times before -- and the game crashed when I tried to ALT-TAB back in. After that, the SKSE shortcut I use to launch the game could no longer find the .exe file. So I figured something must have happened to the install and the easiest solution would be to simply download SKSE from the website and reinstall it. But -- and this is where it gets really weird -- I can't download the file either. Regardless of whether I try to launch the installer direct from silverlock or download the 7zip file, I get a variation of the following message:

C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Temp\Vggo1afG.7z.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.

My computer is in Swedish, but I don't have anything like a an AppData file that I can see under C:

What gives?

Any help or advice greatly appreciated.

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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:29 am

Never mind! I found another thread about the same problem exactly after I posted this, and a link to another thread about problems with avast. By the way, you can simply turn off avast for a period of time -- 10 minutes, for example -- and then the download works fine.

Thanks anyway!

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