I was under the impression that markfordelete was the proper way to remove objects / NPC corpses from the game. Markfordelete will not compile though.
So is the delete command okay to use and considered a safe way to remove corpses?
Yeah MarkForDelete is a console command. Delete() is papyrus. Post your script. The proper way to delete something would be like...
kActor.Disable()kActor.Delete()kActor = None
Keep in mind that you can only delete objects created in game. Actors created in the CK cannot be deleted. You may want something like kActor.SetCriticalStage(4) to clean up the body which then should have it reset properly on a cell reset.
Also many unique actors move to a "morgue" cell when they're cleaned up after death.
it's just a console command now, but up to fallout nv, there was no actual "delete" and you'd use this to have stuff deleted on next cell reset
that's totally new to me, does this also concern _objects_ created in game? like, say, triggers, misc items etc...?
cuz i delete these like crazy whenever i don't need them anymore...
Does that include game created objects who's base object have scripts with properties assigned also?