Windows 8 64,
Nvidia GeForce GT 755 2 GB GDDR5,
1 TB HDD 5400 RPM,
Nvidia GeForce experiences easily says, RUN THE GAME AT ULTRA!!!!, but I turn shadows to low and grass off. I have FPS Limiter set to 34.
So my problems all started with Falskaar, I installed a bunch of mods before I started my game, no CTDs!(Thanks to BOSS), them I started Falskaar, Olvir would NOT open the gate and I had to TCL my way through it. Every quest worked fine, I had JUST finished the last one when CTD!!! An hour of play lost...., so I decided to start a new game and just disable Falskaar, seeing as doing it on my current save would just do more bad than good. That's over with.
Now it's FPS Counter! Yes, I have SKSE. Yes, I looked at the mod's "posts" section, nothing. I saw the click the "/" key on num pad, but guess what, no NUM PAD BECAUSE I'M ON A LAPTOP!!! Whenever I try to launch SKSE Skyrim with FPS Counter activated, it gives me Dxd39_d9 OR something like that and then launches anyway and the game works fine, except for FPS Counter. When it's disable, SKSE Launcher works fine. So can anyone help me?
P.S. Skyrim rarely even makes a noticeable stutter outdoors, though indoors, fps drops in certain areas or it stutters, anyone have a fix?