The adventures of Dullardo

Post » Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:56 am

Several months ago, I started playing Oblivion with a High Elf character and after each playing session, I would write what I have done and where have I been as some kind of diary/story/blog. Unfortunately, a few days back my computer crashed and I lost the save, so I decided to post my little unfinished story here, for anyone who's interested.

Before you start reading, I would like to point out that english is not my native language, so errors are to be expected. Also, I was using a lot of F words in the original document, so I changed all of them into "T words". Expect to see lots of tuck and tuckers. :smile:

Happy reading!

Chapter 1

When looking through the available faces, I started wondering what will be the race of my character. I knew that I will be a male, but which race? I already had an Orc, Dark Elf, Imperial and Argonian, so I wanted something new. I decided to go with the High Elf, since I rarely play with them. I created my face at random (which looked like Keanu Reeves), and I put my grey hear in high style, just to further confirm the silliness of my character. When typing my name, I originally thought of calling myself "Dullard" as I wanted to play as a simpleton, but then I realized that that is not really a name, so I just added O at the end, which gave it a Spanish vibe, like Eduardo or Fernando.

After the initial chit-chat with the Jiub wannabe in the next cell, the royal escort finally arrived. We talk, we continue through the first few halls and finally, they leave me alone. As I'm searching through the dead corpses of the Red Dawn mages, I decide to build my character in a way that is not possible in Skyrim. So I knew that my favorite skills will be Athletics, Acrobatics, Hand to Hand and Mysticism. Basically, all the stuff that is not present in Skyrim just to spite Bethesda. I don't know what will my other skills. Maybe Security and Mercantile, but those skill level up anyway.

And so I started cruising through the good old starting dungeon, hitting every rat with my fists. How strange. A tall and arrogant High Elf running around in dirty rags and fighting bare fist like some kind of a savage. I wonder if his brothers and sisters in Summerset Isle would even recognize him! Well, imprisonment does these things to a man.

Although I've been in this dungeon so many times before, I still took my time in exploration. I was slowly opening chests, looting corpses and double-checking any loot I have missed. While traveling through these tunnels, I changed in more comfortable clothes. When I took my shirt off, I found out a shocking revelation. My face was yellowish, but the rest of my body was white. My face didn't match my body! Oh, I look hideous! But in the end, it didn't matter. I'm silly, remember?

While I was putting my new linen pants on, I decided not to wear any armor either. I mean why should I? Why should I pick Light or Heavy Armor just as many adventurers before me? Why can't I be a master of Medium Armor? Or even better, Unarmored? Oh, that's right, this isn't Morrowind! Here it's either black or white. Up or down. Push or pull. Well, I won't accept Bethesda's rules! I will be unarmored, again, just to spite them! Just then, another thought occured to me. What will I collect? With every character I collect something. Something silly and useless. My Argonian Spellsword collects skulls for example. My Imperial Rogue collects fancy clothes. Dullardo needed his collectables too. It could be anything, except gold and Ninroots, since I collect those items with every character. At first, I wanted to collect callipers, because they are common, light and everybody loves them! Even M'Aiq the Liar. But then I decided against it. I will see. I already picked a few apples along the way, so this could be a good collectable item. I always dreamed of filling my bedroom with hundreds and hundreds of apples, so I can throw myself in that mass and swim around, like those pools of colored balls that they have in kindergardens. But I'm afraid I would crash the game by doing so! I will see.

Pretty soon I was out of the stinky dungeon and Patrick Stewart began his tirade once again. What is my birtsign? Uh, geez, I don't know. So, after a little bit of thought, I decided to be a Lord. I mean why not? Yes, I'm aware that it's a rather weak birtsign, but I didn't care. Dullardo doesn't care. He just lives to fight another day.

Pretty soon, the Emperor died and his assassin went after me! I started punching him desperately, but he was just too strong! I realized I would die, right here, in the freaking tutorial. Fortunately, Balcus came out of nowhere and killed the bastard, saving my pathetic life. Very soon, he congratulated me and said that I would do a good Knight. Knight? Errr... no? So, I started searching for a class that has the aftermentioned skills. The best that described my needs was a Monk, so I said, tuck this [censored], let's be a Monk. Why not make a custom class? Because I'm too lazy. So, Balcus nodded and gave me the key to the sewers. Take the amulet to Jeoffre, he yelled after me, but I ignored him. Who cares about Jeoffre and the Emperor? This is about Dullardo exploring the Cyrodill!

But... just as I was about to exit the sewers, I started to have second thoughts about my birthsign. Indeed, why would I be a Lord? It gives me weakness to fire and as a High Elf, I'm already weak as hell. So I took a deep breath and changed my birthsing to the second most useless one I have seen in that moment.

So, there it was, a young High Elf male, by the name of Dullardo, a Monk born in the sign of the Ritual, standing at the threshold of his greatest adventure yet.

Chapter 2

As soon as I stepped outside of the sewers, I turned left and started running. Mudcrabs were everywhere and I punched each one of them to death, jumping around, swimming and diving for flawed pearls. Pretty soon, I stepped on the other side of the river and I came by a dangerous looking fort. It was Fort Caractarus. There, I was attacked by an mysterious opponent, who seemed to be invisible! How was this possible? I'm level one, I shouldn't meet such powerful foes! So I turned around and I ran. I ran like hell, toward my only salvation: the water. I know that some enemies can't follow you through the water, just like Nazguls in Lord of the Rings. It seems as I was right. I crossed the water and the combat music stopped. I was saved! Oh, the Nines have mercy on my poor soul!

I turned toward the fort and I shaked my fist to it. This isn't over, I yelled. You hear me? I will come back and explore you! I will, you stony bastard!

I continued toward the great Imperial City, but I haven't even made two steps, and already I was attacked by a dog! I have found Sinkhole Cave. I killed the elf lady and her dog, and I took her bow. I was a Monk, it was about time that I started using Marksman. At least that skill is better than the one in Morrowind. I also equipped my fists with fur gauntlets and my feet with boots, as I was starting to look really ridiculous. I guess I will have to wear some armor after all.

So, to make long story short, I explored the entire cave and in the end, I found this beautiful Robe of Deflection which gives me a constant 5 pts of Shield. How wonderful! Once outside, I went to the stables where I met this really pretty Breton chick. In a sad voice she explained that some horses went missing. I said to myself, aha, a new quest! But nothing happened. My journal didn't update. No quest, no nothing. It was just a stupid line of text. Grrr! I was really looking forward of helping that lady. Maybe she would reward me... intimately, if you catch my drift.

I continued my run toward the docks, where I met another beautiful lady, this time a Wood Elf. But she was wearing rags and she was barefoot. She is a beggar? How sad, I would like to have her in my house as a pet. Hehe, Dullardo is such a horny bastard. Well, imprisonment does these things to a man.

In the docks, I started looting the chest and suddenly I came across an hourglass. Awesome! I always wanted to collect these, but I never got the time to actually do it. Now would be a perfect time. But then... what will I do about my apples? I want my apple pool room, damn it!

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Post » Tue Oct 29, 2013 1:26 am

Chapter 3

So I was standing at the Waterfront, by the few tombstones and I saw a new ruin in the distance, just at the other shore of the river. Well, let's a go! Once there, I was immediately attacked by a female Red Guard weilding a massive two handed axe. After a little arrows and punches, she went down. Circling around the ruins, I found out its name – Fort Homestead. Oh, how cute. I also witnessed some pretty epic battles outside. First I killed a female archer and then I went to the upper level of the fort. As I was sneaking around and checking various barrels, I could hear another Red Guard, this time a male, talking to himself. But... where was he? So, suddenly, the battle music turns on and I start panicking cause I don't see the bastard. He appears behind me, also with a massive two handed axe. I guess these things are in fashion these days. So, I jump down on one of the stone beams that connects the columns. As I'm standing there I can't help but smile because this positions gives me a great advantage. From here, I can safely shoot arrows at the guy cause he can't reach me. Turns out I was wrong! Red Guard dude jumped after me, swinging his axe in mid-air. So there we was, two young guys fighting for our lives on the edge of a stone platform, just like in epic stories. So I start punching him like crazy and he drops down! So he is circling around the base of the column trying to reach me, but of course, he can't. Then suddenly, his intelligence kicks in and he climbs the stairs and just as he was about to jump again on my platform, my arrow in his chest stops him. After that, I went to the interior of the cell and cleaned this thing good.

As I was there, I also gained a level up! Very good. I upgraded my speed, agility and endurance. Since I'm using my major skills, I will level up very quickly, which should eventually lead to a very hard game and my frustration. But we shall see. Dullardo doesn't give up so easily!

The last room of the fort is a dissapointment. There is an archer there running away from me as he should, but that's it. There is this winding corridor which leads – no where. Not even a chest or a dead skeleton. What a bummer. Oh, well, at least I cleaned another dungeon! People will now be more safe. Once outside, I circled around a curious column with chains sticking out of it, just to find a pile of silver and gold nuggets lying around its base. Hahaha! Awesome! I love it when Bethesda does something like this. This is why I leave no stone unturned in a dungeon. You never know what little things the programmers left behind. Just then, I saw a sight of a small village.

As I was approaching this village, which goes by the name of Pell's Gate I started to think how it doesn't represent a village at all. Pell's Gate only has like three houses. One of them is some sort of inn, but after I talked to the lady at the counter, she didn't offer me any bed to sleep in. Hmm. I was also curious how can these people live so close to Fort Homestead when they know there is a bunch of bandits inside. Or maybe they don't know. Who knows, who cares? So, after realizing there is absolutely nothing for me to see here, I continued my exploration.

Chapter 4

As I was picking Ninroots by the river shore, I quickly stumbled on another fort. When I approached, the game politely informed me that the name of the fort was Roebeck. Hm, I liked Homestead more. Suddenly, I saw a Scamp wandering around. What in the name of Oblivion is a Scamp doing here? Shouldn't these bastards be in Oblivion? But then I remembered that Morrowind also featured various Daedras outside of Oblivion, so I guess these things are possible. After about 12 arrows, he finally went down. When I looted his corpse, however, there were only like 4 arrows there. Damn it!

When I entered the courtyard I soon found out why was there a Scamp here. It was a freaking summon! There was this conjurer running around in blue robes throwing all kinds of nastiness at me. I killed him and quickly stumbled upon another one. The second one was much more tougher as he almost killed me! I actually had to drink health potions. Bastard! So, I entered the interior of the fort and after a lot of sneaking, I cleaned yet another dungeon. Very good. For a simpleton, Dullardo is doing quite well for himself.

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Post » Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:31 am

Chapter 5

Once outside, I continued wandering around the woods like an idiot. Which I am actually. Pretty soon my elven eyes noticed a new ruin in the distance. Just as I was approaching this place, it started to rain. That would be a good time to hide inside the dungeon. But as I was about to enter Nenyond Tuyll (a terrible name if you ask me), I found out that the entrance door require a specific key. Great. So I started to run away from that place, hoping to find a nice cozy place before I get all wet.

Fortunately, the rain went away as quickly as it had appeared. Just then, I came around another fort! Damn, this place is loaded with these ruins. Why isn't there anyone repairing this stuff? And why is every place crawled with bandits and other scum?

In front of Fort Black Boot a Scamp attacked me. Hm, this means there are conjurers around. I killed it, and quickly stumbled upon another one. As I was tired of pummeling them with my arrows, I decided to use my fists on him, which wasn't really a good idea, as he almost killed me. Once again, I was forced to drink health potions. There was a chest on one of the platform sticking out of the pillars. I jumped on the platform and opened it, just to find out it's empty! [censored] it, these conjurers are trolling me.

As I was about to enter the interior of the fort, I couldn't help noticing beautiful flowers around the door. This has to be a work of a woman. I guess when they are not busy summoning Scamps and attacking poor heroes, they decorate their house a little bit. In that moment I somehow felt sorry for them. Anybody who decorates his front door with flowers can't be a bad person, can it?

Finally I said tuck this [censored], let's kick some ass and I entered the dungeon. The first few corridors were guarded by Scamps. Hm, still no sign of conjurers. But then, I saw the first one. I sneaked, drew up my arrow and twang! She was dead, without even realizing what hit her. Very soon, another followed her demise. To make long story short, I killed all the mages in the dungeon like a sniper, with sneak and arrows. Well, all except for one, which was some kind of a boss. It was a woman running around in robes and throwing fireballs and some weird yellow stuff. At first I started shooting her with arrows but she kept healing, so I attacked her unarmed, like a real man. When she died, I found out that she was dressed the same way as I did – she had the Robe of Deflection. Cool, now I have two. Maybe I should start collecting these. Pity you can't wear them both, one a top the other, to gain 10 pts of Shield.

In the fort I also gained my third level. At first I wanted to go with Agility, Speed and Endurance, just like the first time, since it gives me the most multipliers. But then I said, no, Dullardo needs something different. So I chose Strength, Willpower and Luck. Yes, Luck. A skill that does everything and nothing at the same time. I walked out of the fort feeling good. So far, I cleaned three forts from wretched people. Not bad for someone fresh from the imperial prison.

Chapter 6

I realized that I needed to find some sort of merchant to sell all this stuff and to buy some supplies, namely some mysticism spells and more powerful restoration spells. Casting Lesser Heal Wound all the time gets tiring pretty quickly. But that spell is probably the only things that keeps me alive. I actually hate that. Why does every character start with this spell? Why should my warrior cast healing spells? I guess they did it so you could pass the starting dungeon without dying.

As I was looking at the map, I realized that the Imperial marketplace was too far away, so I went east, toward Bravil. Yes, I know I can just fast travel to the Imperial marketplace and zip around the rest of the map, but Dullardo isn't that kind of a person. He takes his time. He enjoys the green vegetation and the soft breeze rustling the leaves on the branches. He likes running around the Lavander field and diving for pearls in small lakes. He is like that, silly and a little bit crazy.

As I was running toward Bravil, I saw an elf archer in the distance, apparently hunting some poor deer. I tried to follow him, but the elf was just too fast so I ignored him. I had more important matters at hand than chasing some fool with the bow. A new ruin appeared, and with it, rain. Just like the first time. I really hoped that this time, the doors to the ruin will be open. And they were. Thank Akatosh!

I entered this Ayleid Ruin which had some long name, Wenjandavik or something like that and started exploring. After killing two skeletons, I got bored because I realized that this place is huge, and I was starting to run out of arrows. My carrying capacity was reaching its limit as well. So once again, after leaving, I swore to return to this place to loot it properly. Once outside, the rain has stopped and I decided to fast travel directly to Bravil. I was tired of all this [censored].

When I appeared at Bravil, it was dark, which meant only one thing. The shops were closed. Great! I couldn't pick a better time. Then, a lady appeared and started talking how her husband went missing. When she finished, the only dialog option I had was "I will help you" which seemed terrible. Where are the options, Bethesda? Why would I help this old hag? What if I'm an evil character? What then? Ugh, luckily I wasn't evil, so I decided to look at this matter later in the game. After leaving the woman, I started wandering around the town, trying to find something to do before the shops open. But it was nearly 9 pm, and I realized it's gonna be a looooong wait. So I went to the inn trying to rent a bed and at least get a good night sleep (for some reason I don't like to "wait" for eight hours or longer). But the innkeeper demanded 20 gold for a room. Twenty freaking gold! What am I, Queen of England? To make matters worse, the innkeeper was also a High Elf. You would think that my fellow brothers would look after each other, but nooo. They only care about filling their own pockets.

After that, I went to Mage guild. At least someone works in this city 24/7. I was looking through their wares but everything was so damn expensive. 175 gold for a telekinesis spell? When will I ever use that?

As I was examining their books, hoping to find something good to read, I heard the conversation of some NPC-s in the next room. I found funny how one of the woman said "safe travels" to the other when the conversation was over, although they were both staying in the same room. I guess they do this all the time. They keep bumping into each other and talking, although they are only a few paces away.

But this was starting to get annoying. I needed a place to sleep! So, after running around the town, I decided to step outside of the town walls. As I was cruising near the beautiful coast at two in the morning, I came across a Flooded Mine, but I couldn't enter. Why? Because it's flooded of course! Just kidding. The stupid door required a key. Just behind the entrance was a bed! But it was already occupied by an Argonian in a robe and a hood. Damn it! This place could have been perfect. So I finally said tuck it, let's go to Leyawiin.

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Post » Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:34 am

Chapter 7

I never been to Leyawiin before. Strange isn't it? And I had five characters so far. This is just further proof of just how big this game really is. As I was running through the gloomy streets of Leyawiin, the city reminded me of Daggerfall. They have similar architecture. Since it was 6 in the morning, everything was still closed, so I went to the good old Mage Guild. There, I met a Khajiit Alchemist who immediately gave me a quest to find some frozen tears. I don't have a clue what he is talking about. When I mentioned Ninroots, he said he never heard of them. What? They are practically on every corner! What kind of [censored] alchemist are you? Leyawiin Mage's Guild is also supposed to be famous for its Mysticism spells, but I couldn't find any! There are only two people at the guild and nobody sells anything. There were at least another three doors which were locked. I waited until 8 in the morning, thinking, maybe this tuckers will finally get out of their beds and serve loyal customers. But no! Nothing happened! What the hell is going on here?

So, after exploring the city a little bit more, I finally found a smith and a general goods store. I sold most of my junk and I was ready to embark on another exciting quest in the wilderness! So, I went out through the east gate and started making my way towards south, killing annoying mudcrabs along the way and picking up Ninroots. Very soon, I stumbled across a dungeon – Tidewater Cave. Inside I killed a rat, and then a Troll appeared! I started shooting arrows at him, but there wasn't much room to hit and run, so I threw away my bow and prepared my fists. Once again, I barely made it out alive. So, I continue on, find another rat and another Troll! Uh-oh, this doesn't bode well for me. So I turn around and run, run like a little chicken that I am. I reach the door and get out, but the Troll follows me out. Fortunately, there is more room outside to kite him, and so I kill him without taking (much) damage, but I lose a lot of arrows in the process. After that battle, I realize that this is another dungeon I will have to skip and come back later, when (if) I become more powerful.

So I continue, find two nice-looking island, but there is nothing interesting on them, except two Ninroots. Very soon, I reach the "end of the map" and I have to turn around and go back. Pretty soon, a violent rainstorm appears, and I can barely see where am I going. I came across Bogwater camp, where I find a nice bed and 50 gold in a hollow rock which reminded me of Fargoth's hollow tree stump in Morrowind. I continue, fighting against wind and rain, and I reach yet another fort! Fort Blueblood. First Black Boot now Blue Blood? What's with all these names? After getting sure there is no one outside (I don't blame them, it's pouring rain!), I step inside the dry and comfy Fort Blueblood. Yeah.

Chapter 8

Although I sneak through the first corridor, an Orc around the corner suprises me and he manages to hit me a few times. I have only 6 arrow left, so it's really difficult for me just to sneak around and pick everyone from afar. Finally, I reach a room where I have to fight face-to-face. An elf mage starts to throw lightning at me, and since I'm weak to that particular element, I run in the previous room. There, I wait for him with my two-handed Claymore (yup, it seems I do more damage with this thing), and when he appears, I quickly slash him to death. Very soon, two new enemies appear, both female, an elf mage and a Nord (I think?). The Nord is incredibly powerful and I drop to 10% of my life. I drink potions and then RUN. Tuck this [censored]. I don't need this crap in my life. But once outside, the mage follows me. I kill her (barely) and wait for her sister, but she never appears, so I go back inside, scared like never before. Turns out she remained in the same room where I left her. And so it begins. My two handed Claymore versus hers. The battle is epic, we exchange blows, we dodge, we block, we scream in pain, it's like Star Wars. Finally, she dies and I start spamming my heal minor wound spell. I REALLY need to buy a new healing spell because this is getting ridiculous. After that I meet a few more enemies and I snipe them all, since I got some new supplies of arrows. But then I reach two doors, both requiring the same key. So I backtrack searching for the key, thinking that I may have missed it. But I didn't. There is no key. Or at least, none that I could find. So I leave the fort a little frustrated by the fact that I didn't explore the thing to the end. Who knows how many more enemies are in there, waiting for my blade. Or my fist. Outside is still raining like crazy, so I fast travel back to Leyawiin, once again, to refresh my equipment.

Once there, I buy a couple of arrows and a better Heal spell at the local temple. Unfortunately, I discover too late that my Restoration skill is too low to use this new spell. I guess I will be using my Heal Minor Wounds spell. What a bummer. I also checked the Mage guild and it seemed that sleepy heads have woken up, as this place has been bursting with people. Some old lady even asked me if I wanted to join Mage guild. After about four seconds of thought, I decided to refuse. I don't want some dimwits to order me around like some puppet. I do, however, buy a Detect Life spell, so that I can finally start working on my Mysticism skill.

After that, I get out of town and head north-east and pretty soon I stumble upon Amelion Tomb. After picking all the plants outside, I venture inside. I'm little disappointed by this "tomb". It looks just like an ordinary cave. Soon I'm greeted by a zombie! I start to shoot arrows at him, but that doesn't seem to work, so I try my fists, but I barely scratch him! I start to run around, panicking, spamming my heal spell. It's ridiculous how powerful this thing is! Worst of all, for a zombie, he is also pretty fast. So after a while, I decide to use my Claymore, but that doesn't prove to be effective either. However, I manage to kill him and I continue slowly forward. After a few more skeletons and chests, I arrive at a much bigger room. But as soon as I notice two zombies hanging around, I realize I'm in a world of hurt, so I just spin around and head to the exit. Amelion Tomb, Dullardo is not ready for you... yet.

Since I gained a level in that forsaken tomb, I realize I have to find a bed. Since I'm a cheap bastard, I don't want to rent one in town, so I head to good old Bogwater where I have one bed for free! After sleeping for an hour, Dullardo finds out that his Willpower, Agility and Luck have all increased!

From there I head up north, hugging the Black Marsh border, picking plants as I go. I realize I should pick all this stuff. I mean, why not? Best case scenario, I can make potions, upgrading my Alchemy. Worst case scenario, I sell these ingredients for money. Either way – profit! After running for what seemed like hours, I come across a new dungeon: Fort Teleman.

What an interesting name. I bet the fort is filled with men using Telekinesis. Get it? Tele-Man? Yes, well... my approach is greeted by several nasty creatures. An old necromancer spawning zombies, and a skeleton archer. After another arduos battle, I enter the fort.

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Post » Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:22 am

Chapter 9

Inside, I slowly sneak around, sniping everyone I see. This whole procedure would probably take me less time if Dullardo wasn't such a coward. After a while, I come to yet another door that requires a specific key. Where the hell can I find these keys? They are probably in some NPC's pocket, who just waits for you to give you some quest regarding this fort. Anyhow, I come across a hall where some necromancer woman is shouting for her life. She is ignoring me compeletely. Instead, she is running back and forth, obviously afraid of something behind the corner. This scares me a little bit. Anything that scares necromancer will probably kill me in one hit. It takes me a couple of arrows to shoot her down, just because of her erratic movements. After that I creep slowly forward and I see some kind of a tale sticking from the corner. The first thing that comes to my mind is: what the hell is a Khajiit doing here? But it turns out it's not a Khajiit. Instead, it's a freaking Scamp. Wow, really? The necromancer was fighting against a Scamp? But why? I thought they were working together. It turns out that this whole place is crawling with these little maggots, and I spend a lot of precious arrows pinning these svckers down.

I finally came to a brightly illuminated area with a crumbled statue where some mage dude attacks me. It takes me a while to realize that it's not a dude, it's a Dremora! I kill him relatively easy, which is strange and I find nothing of value in the last room. Nothing. This whole place just led me to this guy. Ugh, whatever.

I leave Fort Teleman behind, waving and chanting: bye bye Telemantic Man! Then I continue north, picking flowers and plants, like a beggar picking change on the street. After yet another long hike throught the lush vegetation of Cyrodill, I came across a Shattered Scales Cave. This place is crawling with Imps, and I don't really feel like fighting them, especially since I'm low on ammunition and full of junk, so I teleport to the nearest town, which isn't Leyawiin this time, but Bravil.

As I was doing my shopping, I couldn't help but overhearing two NPC's talking about some ghost showing up in the middle of the night. I talked a little bit about this with the locals and they showed me where on map I can find this troubled spirit. I remember this quest, and it's pretty tough, since you have to fight against several angry pirate ghosts in a very cramped area. Not very suitable for Dullardo's arrows, so I don't think I will pursue this quest just yet.

I leave the town and head north, toward Wendjavik. Remember that place? The last time I didn't explore it till the end, so I'm going back to finish the job. But I stumble upon another Ayleid Ruin on the way there. I don't remember its name, I just know it's really really close to Bravil stables. Anyway, two imps greet me and after a little fist fighting, they are dead. In front of the entrance, I witness a pretty silly scene. There is a horse, right in front of the door, up, on the steps, blocking my way. What the hell is a horse doing here? I squeeze right next to him and enter the dungeon. At the entrance, I'm greeted by an Elf. Ah! So he is the owner of that horse! But... what are they doing here? It's probably yet another part of some obscure quest. This dungeon is pretty nasty with imps on every corner and those traps that release some kind of poison gas. I roll my eyes and say tuck it and leave. I have a mission here. On to Wendjavik!

Chapter 10

Wendjavik is a pretty cool place crawling with skeletons, rats and zombies. Better than those imps. Although, zombies could prove to be a problem with their 5000 hit points. It's over 5000! Dragon ball reference here.

So I continue on, picking loot and killing skeletons. Strangely enough, my Minor Detect Life proves to be quite effective here as I am able to see enemies through the walls. This is actually the first time that I see how this spell actually works. I always thought that it detects life on your map, showing enemies like little dots. I guess I was wrong. Mysticism FTW! Although, come to think of it, I found it strange that this spell detects undead. I mean, it should detect life. Undead are not really alive.

I participate in some pretty intense battles against zombies here. I entered in one of the corridors and the door closed behind me. So, the only way to go was forward. But, there is a zombie, so I decide to run past him. He follows as I run into a corridor full of swinging blades. I get hit a few times, but I survive. I continue to run, and came across a rat. So now, I have both a rat and a zombie chasing me through these halls. Finally, I find a button on the wall and I press it, closing the door behind me, in the last moment, just as the zombie was about to swing at me with his stinky hands. And here comes the really cheap part. The door I closed has a huge hole in the middle. You can't attack through that hole, but you can shoot arrows and fireballs through. This is exactly what I did. I start pummeling the zombie with my Flare spell as he is just walking there. After about 10 fireballs, he is dead. I open the door and kill the rat with two uppercuts. So, I retrace my steps, through the corridor with the swinging blades and came across another zombie. This one doesn't see me yet as his back is turned to me. I sneak, nock my arrow, take aim and shoot him. I make the critical hit which deals 3 times more damage. Regardless of this bonus, zombie still has more than 80% of his health left. He starts to follow me, and I quickly run back to the door where I killed the first one, to repeat my trick. However, I get lucky as the zombie gets hit by one of the swinging blades and he dies. Phew, I didn't see that coming! After that, no more nasty surprises. The only good thing that came through exploring Wendjavik is getting one of those Ayleid Statue which are part of the Collector quest. I guess I should keep it with me for a while.

As I gained a level here, I travel back to Bravil, looking for a nice place to sleep. I go to my good old High Elf innkeeper and decide to pay those 20 gold for a room anyway. For that price I was expecting a bath, silk sheets and a huge cabinet full of books. Instead, the room was smaller than a prison cell, with stinky bed and only one chest with a cup on it, as if some drunk was there before me. Regardless of that, I sleep a few hours and upgrade my Strength, Intelligence and Agility. After that I go to Bravil castle, because I want to buy a house here, but that arrogant count doesn't want to discuss it with me. I guess he thinks I'm a peasant or something. I open one of the locked doors and start exploring in the forbidden part of the castle, hoping to snatch some goodies, but a guard appears from thin air who keeps following me like a shadow and ordering me to leave this place. I ignore him, and sure enough, he explodes in a maniacal anger, calling me criminal scum. After that, I just load the game and continue to explore Bravil.

I find another inn on the other side of the town and ask for bed, just to see if these people are more cheap. And sure enough, they are! They ask only 10 for room. Well, goodbye my fellow High Elf, this is ONE customer you won't see again. I will head to The Lonely Suitor Lodge, thank you very much.

As I walk around the inn, suddenly a Dark Elf shows up and starts yelling at me to move away or I will regret it. Wow, what's up with him? So I jump around him, trying to provoke him, but he just continues to say the same thing over and over, so I start to punch him in his ugly face. Nobody talks with Dullardo like this and lives! Everybody at inn starts to yell and scream in fear, but I don't hear them. I'm completely focused on this little bastard. He takes out his dagger and starts slicing at me, each hit followed by a huge explosion. Interesting, so he has an enchanted dagger with some fire damage. I die after a few hits, and once again, reload my save. So, I exit the inn and head to the local smith who is a Wood Elf archer (what a surprise!). He has an interesting bow to sell and I decide to buy it. So I ditch my Iron Bow and take the new Fine Iron Bow which deals one more damage than the regular one. Yay me. After that, I decide that it's finally time to face my greatest challenge. No, I'm not talking about killing that dude in the inn. And no, I'm not talking about the main quest either. I'm talking about exploring Fort Caractarus. Remember that place? Back in chapter 2? It was the first place I wanted to explore, and Dullardo, still wet behind his ears, got his ass kicked and handed to him on a silver plate. But no more, oh, no sir.

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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:34 am

Chapter 11

I didn't want to teleport directly to Fort Caractarus, because I wanted to approach it slowly from the distance, so I fast traveled to Sinkhole Cave, which is right across the river. I was unpleasantly surprised when I was greeted by a Khajiit woman wielding a massive two handed axe and an elf shooting me with arrows. What the hell is going on here? Don't tell me the enemies have respawned. So I see that I have no chance of winning this, and I load my save and this time, I fast travel to the Sewers exit. From there, I slowly start to creep toward the cave, killing Mudcrabs and Wolves on the way. This time, I was greeted by a Redguard chick with an axe and a dog. I jump on the rock and from there start sniping my enemies. When I looted the dog, I found he had 2 gold on his corpse. Those bastards! What were they feeding him?

Anyhow, I decide to check the cave again, just to see if the enemies have respawned or not. It turns out, they did! And so is the loot in the chests! This realization hits me like a fist in the stomach. I mean, in Morrowind enemies also respawn after some time, but not the loot. What is the point of exploring a dungeon, when all the enemies will just respawn in four days time? This teoretically means that I don't even have to explore new places as I can just wait in front of this cave and then enter inside every few days to increase my skills. Too bad, I was looking forward of using the beds outside the cave when I gain a level up.

Regardless of that, I still kill most of the bandits inside, which are all Redguards and then head over to finally explore Caractarus, just to see what's with all those invisible enemies. If they ARE invisible. Maybe it was a bug, or just my imagination. But as soon as I approach it, combat music turns on and someone starts to hit me. So I'm turning around like a fool, trying to find this enemy and suddenly my cursor moves over something. I move it again, and it says "Wolf". So I start punching it, and yes, I was right! It is an invisible enemy. This wolf is freaking invisible! What. The. Tuck.

As soon as I kill him with my fists, he reappers and falls limply on the floor. I continue on, jump on a balcony, and enter through a door. Inside, I kill two mages, rather unsuccesfully (a.e. without sniping them with my bow). I open a few doors and find nothing. I also open the one which has an "average" difficulty. Behind him it's a Clannfear! Fortunately, I was sneaking and his back was turned to me, so I managed to retreat my steps and get the hell out. I feel sad that I haven't explored it till the end, but Dullardo is not figthing against a Clannfear. No sir.

Outside, I get attacked by another invisible wolf, which almost kills me, as he is a timber wolf, and not a regular one. After that, I decide to fast travel to imperial marketplace to sell some stuff, as I'm overburden with all this junk. After all that, I think to myself, well Dullardo, old boy, as long as you are here, you can check that quest about some frozen tears. So I talk to this lady which seems very courteous at the Arcane University who tells me the story about this knight. From the story, it seems I will have to kill some frost beast, and I don't like the sound of that at all. She also tells me to buy some book called "Knightfall". I travel back to the marketplace and check the local library. I was thinking of just reading the book from the shelf, without buying it, but the book is nowhere to be find! Meanwhile, the shopkeeper is breathing down my neck, making sure I don't "steal" something. Like I'm that stupid.

So I talk to him and find out that he HAS the book, but only in his inventory and he want 46 gold for that book. Jesus, man, that's 23 arrows!

So I cash the money and read the book. After that, the quest journal suggests that I talk to the lady again about getting some Frost Salts. Back to Arcane University. Once there, I ask her about the Frost Salts. Since she was so nice, I expected that she will give them to me for free, but no, I have to buy them. So I buy two, just in case, spending 172 gold (that's 86 arrows!!) and get out, outraged by such ridiculous prices. It appears I have to travel to a place called Frosted Glade.

So I decide to teleport back to Fort Caractarus so I can begin my journey from there. But very soon as I'm running up the hill I come across a small village by the name of Aleswell ("All is Well" I suppose). Then suddenly, I came across an invisible NPC! Hmm... this is now getting rather suspicious. So I enter the inn, and immediately an invisible innkeeper approaches me and tells me to help them get rid of this invisible curse. It seems that some mage from Fort Caractarus is responsible for this anomaly. So I head down there and come across this mage (also invisible) skulking around. I don't remember seeing him the first time (pun not intended). I guess he "appeared" now that I talked with the villagers in Aleswell.

The quest turns out to be quite easy. No killing monsters or tracking down some artifact. He just gave me a scroll and I went back to the village and cast it there and voila! The curse has been uplifted and my fame has increased from 0 to 1.

Soon, the whole Cyrodill will hear of Dullardo's good deeds, a monk prisoner that became a savior. But wait, what's that?! Oh, good Lord, it seems that this "scroll" had a bad effect on it also, as it drained my luck which went from 52 to 7. I have to remedy this!

When I talked to the people in the inn, most of them were quite happy about my deeds, but there were two Dunmer women which were pretty rude and they were grimacing at me, as if I was some pile of horse dung. I wanted to kill them. Kill them so badly that my hands trembled. But I decided to ignore them. Dullardo is not a killer, he is a monk for goodness sake!

After that I teleported back to the Imperial City and went straight to Temple's district as I wanted to pray to restore my Luck. But there were no churches, no altars, no nothing. Really? The capitol of Cyrodill doesn't even have a simple altar? Maybe it has, but I just wasn't able to find it. So I decided to buy some potion that can cure me, but since it was 22 pm, everybody and their mother were sleeping, so instead of just waiting I went to explore the island a little bit.

Chapter 12

I traveled to the good old sewers exit and from there I went southeast and came across a cave called Sideways Cave. In front of it was an Imp, flapping his little wings like some primadonna. I started punching him, and once again, I barely made it out alive. These Imps are TOUGH. Or maybe I'm just weak. Probably both.

So I started exploring the cave which was filled with Imps, which made my advance pretty slow. At last I came across a new door which led me to some kind of underground lake, once again filled with Imps. At the end of this section, there was a door to a ruin, and in front of it, a monster that I never seen before. I think it was a Troll, but I wasn't sure. So instead of fighting him and losing all my arrows and potions, I just sneaked next to him and entered. This new section was an Ayleid ruin filled with Imps. In one moment, THREE Imps ganged on me. At first I was kiting them but very soon I lost my patience and said tuck it, and left the dungeon.

Once outside, it was daylight so I went back to the Imperial City, looking for a potion that could restore my luck. No such luck (pun intended). So I decided to fast travel to Bruma hoping that at least that city will have a freaking altar.

It turns out, it has. Ah, rejoice Dullardo, your luck is restored! From there I went south to this Frosted Glade, following the road. In the early morning mist, a wolf appeared on the road. As soon as he spotted me, he started to run towards me, his teeth locked in a vicious snarl. Behind him was a dude with a bow so I thought, ah good, this guy is hunting the wolf. My smile quickly vanished from my face when the first arrow hit me with a hollow thud. These two are a team! I quickly disposed of the wolf, using my trusty fists and then I focused on the dude, which was just some cheap ass bandit. After that, I continued my journey.

Very soon I have found this Glade. I entered the cave, killed a few Timber wolves, mostly by kiting and then came across a peculiar door which required the infamous Frost Salts to open. I saved my game here and went through. It turns out, I'm outside again, on a special place that can't be accessed through the normal map. I walk around a corner and suddenly, there he is. The famous cold beast that I was so afraid of. Yes, Frost Atronach, all shiny and mighty was coming towards me, launching all kinds of nastiness at me. I shoot arrows at him, but they don't even scratch him. Jeez, I'm sure glad I saved my game before this!

After dying, I realized there is no way in hell I'm gonna beat this dude. At least not yet. So I left the cave and as I was watching the sunset over the Imperial city, I asked myself: what now? Is it time for Dullardo to grow up and finally face the main quest? Should he join a guild and do some quests? But then I realized that there are still some random quests that I never completed yet, so I decided to go toward the Imperial city, on foot, to reach that High Elf who collects Ayleid statues.

As I was heading south, I came across a shrine to Mephala. It required an offering of some kind of a flower, but I didn't have it in my possession, so I moved on. Later, I realized that even if I had that flower with me, I still wouldn't be able to get the quest, since it requires a level 15, and I'm only 6, although it feels like it's 16.

Going south, I came across a new fort, Fort Chalman. I killed a wolf and a skeleton archer outside and then ventured inside. But when I turned a corner, I saw a ghost floating in the distance and I really didn't have the patience to fight one of these with my pitiful bow, so I said tuck it, and I went toward Vilverin. There, I killed the bandits roaming the dungeon and then went to the Imperial city because I had too much junk.

Once there, I sold my stuff, talked to Umbacano, received 500 gold for the first Ayleid statue and then went back to Vilverin.

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leigh stewart
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Post » Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:58 am

Chapter 13

Vilverin was a mess. I played this dungeon a lot of times, since it's so close to your starting point (the sewer exit), but I was still coming across new stuff. For starters, after killing a first few guards, a Redguard appeared with some black-red Daedric-looking sword, slashing at me and making me see all red, literally. It was a tough battle with that dude, my kiting skills were put to the test.

At last I kill him, and what do I find? The sword wasn't daedric. It was just enchanted with a spell that drains agility. I guess I will sell it for hundred bucks.

Vilverin is basically divided into two sections. The first is filled with bandits, and the other one, with undead. I managed to get all the way to the next Ayleid statue, and after that, I came to a room with a Redguard magician. I used my usual tactic: sneak and shoot. I did a critical to him, but he didn't go down. Instead, he healed himself, coming back to full life and then he summoned a ghost. He also started shooting some fireballs and lightning to my face. After seeing that display of power, I realized that this is a battle that's already lost, so I ran forward, hoping to escape him. Pretty soon, I come across a locked "hard" door. I try to pick lock it, but who am I kidding? I can barely open average doors let alone this. What is worse, I'm pretty sure this is the door that leads to the start of the dungeon. And so, I took a deep breath, turned around and ran back in the room with the magician. I manage to avoid his attacks, and then, I run all the way to the start of the dungeon. That's right. I run. All the way. To the start of the dungeon. You heard that right. Aaaaall the way. Jesus Christ Allmighty, it took me like 3 minutes to get there. And all this because of some freaking Redguard boss. Oh well, all this running and sneaking raised my level, so I go back to town, sell my stuff, take another 500 for the second Ayleid statue and then go to sleep. I'm now officially level 7 and I raised agility, endurance and good old luck.

So when I woke up, I asked myself: what now? After a little bit of consideration, I decided to continue my hunt for the Ayleid statues. I decided that my next stop should be Fanacas, north of Cheydinhal. So, I fast travel there, and head north. But, I come across a fort Farragut, and as always, I decide to explore it. Once there, I come across two skeletons – a melee one and a ranged one. I start to shoot at the melee one and I realize my mistake too late. They weren't ordinary skeletons. They were some kind of Death Guards or something like that. So after about 25 arrows and 25 punches, the first skeleton goes down. I turn the corner and I face the second one. This one is a little easier, but he is still waaaay tougher than regular ones. Since they were so tough, I was looking forward to looting them, because I assumed they would have some cool weapons or armors, but no. Just good old bonemeal. After that, I turn 180 degrees and head for the exit. This fort is too tough for poor Dullardo. So, finally, I head toward Fanacas.

Once there, I enter and immediately I'm greeted by a timber wolf. I kill him (barely) and then I head onward. Pretty soon I come across some archer on one of the platforms across the water, so we start shooting at each other like some kind of idiots. But the bastard starts healing himself, so I decide to jump in water, swim across to his platform and finish him kung-fu style. Unfortunately, I get stuck and he starts to hack me with his sword. I decide to retreat. As I do, I realize that my enemy is a vampire! Good God! The last thing I need is to contract Vampirism. So anyhow, I go back to his platform, and somehow, he ends up in water, while I manage to climb on the platform. I leave him in the water and continue onward. I come across a High Elf mage who starts shooting fireball at me. At first I was shooting him with my bow, but then he started to heal, so I also switched to Flare spell. Since he has weakness to fire, just like me, he goes down pretty fast. I continue onward, and very soon i come across the Ayleid statue. I pick it up and turn the corner and I see some guy with a shield in the distance. Since I got what I came for, and I didn't want to mess with these vampires, I decide it's time to leave. Unfortunately, there was also an archer there, much closer, that I didn't notice at first. He sees me, and start to shoot. I run back like a chicken. Once I was feeling safe, I waited for him and once he arrived, we started shooting at each other, dodging arrows at the same time. It was like Neo vs. Smith in the Matrix.

Eventually he dies, and I found out that he had a Dwarven bow, some pretty cool armor and a bunch of silver and steel arrows. So, after ten days, I finally change my equipment. Now I feel pretty powerful.

I head back to Cheydinhal where I sell my stuff. I also come across a house with a Dark Elf lady inside. She wants me to find her husband, a painter who went missing in his own basemant. So I check it out, and it seems he was svcked up into his own painting! How cool is that? So I enter inside, and there he is. He explains his situation. I have to find his magic brush and kill some fancy trolls. This "dungeon" doesn't have an exit, so I go foward, and I come across my first troll. As expected, he is powerful as hell. I let him kill me, because, why the tuck not?

After that, I try to sneak past him, but he sees me, so I decide to ignore him and I just run forward. Pretty soon, I come across a second troll, then the third, then the fourth. Before you know it, I have an entire legion behind me. But I just want to find the brush! Very soon, I do. I pick it up, and head back, with my heart in my throat, as I hear the growling of trolls behind me and the sounds of their arms swinging towards me. But when I reach the painter, he doesn't want to talk to me. Instead, he launches himself into the fray, unarmed like a little madman. I realize the situation is hopeless, so I load the old save. Well, this was a waste of time.

After that debacle, I continue to explore Cheydinhal. I come across the Mage guild, so I say to myself: okay, Dullardo old boy, I guess it's finally time to join this forsaken place. Once inside, I buy a Major life detect spell, overriding my Minor spell (yay me!). After talking to the mages, they all tell me I should speak to some guy which name start with an F (I don't remember anymore), if I'm thinking of joining. Unfortunaly, I can't find that guy anywhere, so I just say tuck it, and head to Imperial City.

Chapter 14

I give Umbacano the third statue, and he tells me I should try to find some place called the High Fane. Once I exit his house, some dude meets me outside telling me he is another Umbacano's treasure hunter. I don't know if I believe him, since he is dressed like a beggar, but I decide to hear him out anyway. So he tells me that this High Fane is a pretty nasty place and that I should read a book about it. So I head to the local bookshop and I buy this book for 97 gold. Calling it a book is generous, since it only has four pages. I read it, and find the other name of this High Fane, but my journal doesn't update with this information. Oh well, that svcks.

I was tired of all this city, so I decided it's time to head back to wilderness. And I went straight to good old Aleswell village. From there, I headed north toward my next Ayleid ruin – Moranda.

When I reached that place, I was greeted by two Imps. I tried my new bow and arrows on them and I was impressed, but I still wasn't killing anything in a few hits. There was still a lot of shooting and dodging. Moranda was crowded, literally, crowded with Imps, with an occassional rat thrown in for good measure. While fighting these Imps, I found out a sad truth about steel arrows. They are not so lootable as the iron ones. Let me explain. When I kill an Imp with 5 iron arrows, I can usually find all 5 arrows on his body. But with steel arrows, I'm lucky if I find one! And so, my ammunition was droping fast and a few times I had to resort to my fists and claymore. Yup, I fell so low. Eventually I found the statue and headed out and then back to Imperial city (I also slept in front of Vilverin since I got the level up). I sold to Umbacano my forth statue. Jeez, six more to go.

After that, I headed to Skingrad because I wanted to get rid of that Nirnoot quest. Once there, I was greeted by heavy rainstorm. I wanted to sleep in an inn, instead out in the rain, but the woman wanted 20 gold for the room, and although I had over 6000 gold, it was still a little to steep. Instead I went to the local guard tower, where I slept on one of their beds, for free! Bed is bed.

When the morning came, the rain was still falling heavily. Just as I was about to begin my search for the alchemist, some Bosmer approached me. He asked me to meet him tonight, at midnight behind the church. Okaaaay... whatever. After that, I entered an alchemist shop, but my friend was nowhere to be found. Instead, I pvssyd with the lady behind the counter and she gave me some clue of where can I find some Daedra shrine, just north of Skingrad. Why would she give me this information? Is this part of some sort of quest?

Anyhow, after running in circles, I finally found the alchemist and I gave him 10 Nirnroots, so he can make me some Exploration Elixir, or however it's called. I'm pretty sure it will turn out to be some crap. Like "Light 20 pts on self for 300 seconds" or something like that. He also told me to bring him 20 Nirnroots if I want a more powerful potion. Unfortunately, I only have 18 roots, so I have to go out to get some more. Before I did, however, I visited the local Mages Guild and finally decided to become a member. Ta-da! Fanfare! I hereby, nominate Dullardo, the Altmer Monk, born of the sign of the Ritual, the Associate of the Mages Guild.

It seems I have two quests. First, I have to visit every Mage Guild in Cyrodill to gain some kind of recommendation and secondly, to earn my first recommendation, I have to go to a cave and find some dude. And so I went.

The cave was pretty tough, full of headless zombies, which could still see me just fine. I sneaked next to a few, because I really wasn't in a mood for fighting. When I found the wizard however, it turned out he was just a big coward. He didn't want to leave the cave, before the ENTIRE cave was cleaned of zombies. Good Lord. Now I actually have to go back and kill all those zombies that I managed to sneak by? I let a long, slow sigh, admiting my defeat and I went back, kiting the [censored] zombies. So I kill the undead and I escort the cowardly wizard back to Skingrad where I get my first recommendation. Yay me!

I check the clock. It's almost midnight, so I head toward the church to find that crazy Bosmer. After waiting for him for half an hour in pouring rain, he finally shows up. He starts talking how everyone is following him and how I should check some people by following them around. For some reason, I found that whole idea extremely boring, so I decide to refuse the quest. The Bosmer is disappointed, but he leaves me alone. Good, one less fool to think about. Instead of freezing my Altmer ass out in the night on the heavy rain, I decided to go back to the guardhouse for a good night sleep.

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Lucky Girl
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Post » Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:09 am

Chapter 15

Once Dullardo awoke, he felt refreshed and ready for new challenges. Even the rain has stopped! So, I went immediately to that little grove north of Skingrad where apparently I can find some Nirnroots. In the end, I found only three. Wow, what a deal. I was being sarcastic.

After that, I went north-west to visit that Daedric shrine which was mentioned by that alchemist chick in town. Once there, I found out that the worshippers are just some sort of hippies who dance around and do orgies. Hmm, where do I sign in? But no! I can't think about those things! I'm a monk, and I shall cast all desires out of my mind.

The altar requires an offer of Cyrodillic Brandy. So I went back to Skingrad, checking every shop and every house in hopes of finding this bewerage. But alas, I couldn't find it. I even come across a house of some rich dude who was lying in his living room, dead. When I left his house, I found a guard crouching near a dead body on the street. When I came closer, I found out that the dead person was that Bosmer who was pestering me the night before. Poor svcker, I guess some people were gunning for him, after all.

But, a few moments later, while chatting with the locals, I found out that this Bosmer (which name I can't recall even if I try) actually killed that rich dude. Hmm, so it's all connected somehow. I also checked with my favorite alchemist and he finally gave me the Elixir of Exploration. Just as I thought. The elixir is pretty useless. It fortifies your health and gives you Night Eye for 300 seconds. Oh well, more money for me. After I was done with Skingrad, I checked my Quest log and decided to do the "Caught in the hunt" quest. Remember that quest? Way back in chapter six? To find a missing husband?

So, I fast traveled to Bravil and started my investigation. But, as usual, I arrived in the city in the middle of the night, so I decided to visit Mage Guild instead. After exploring the nice establishment, I talked to the Argonian leader about my recommendation. As usual, in order to get it, I first have to do a quest for her. The quest involves talking to some dude who stole a mage staff from one of the Mage guild members.

I went out, and headed to the local inn where, apparently, there should be an Orc named Kurdan who knows the whereabouts of that missing husband Aleron. It seems that Aleron has some debts toward Kurdan. I found the Orc pretty quickly, all high and mighty with his shiny axe on his back. He was pretty rude, so I had to spend some money for bribes. He didn't tell me where is Aleron, but he said he will tell me if I find an axe for him. Ugh, more quests.

So I said, sure why the hell not? I have nothing better to do anyway. So, I took a boat to a little island in Nibben bay on which there is an abandoned fort. Once I entered in the courtyard, I found Aleron. He explained me how we are now both trapped in this little dungeon, which is a hunting grounds for people who like to kill innocent victims. It's some sort of Hunger games, all designed by Kurdan himself. So, the only way to get out of this mess is to defeat the hunters inside the dungeon. And so I braced myself and entered the dungeon.

Judging from what Aleron told me, I expected much more from the dungeon, hundreds and hundreds of hunters (or should I call them "players"?). Instead, the dungeon featured only three hunters and a few rats. And a couple of traps, of course. The hunters all wore Dwarven weaponry, which I managed to pick up to sell for profit.

Once I retrieved all the keys, I went back to the surface. Once out, I witnessed some sort of "cutscene", since I couldn't move. Kurdan approached and killed Aleron with his axe. Just like that. After that, he approached me, wearing a big grin on his ugly face. I was so mad at him. I just wanted to kick him in the face for killing that poor unarmed guy.

He said how he can't let me out and how he is changing the rules of his own game. After the conversation was over, he pulled his axe out. Uh-oh, it seems my wish for kicking Kurdan will be granted sooner than I thought. So instead of fighting him outside, I quickly ran back in the dungeon, because I knew a perfect little spot where I could kill him.

You see, earlier, I killed one of the hunters exploiting their poor A.I. There is a hole in the middle of one of the corridors. I would wait on the other side of the hole. The guy would run toward me, and then he would fall in the hole (losing health in the process). Very soon, he would find his way back up, again running toward me and again, falling in the pit. Repeat until he is dead. That's how I killed the mighty Kurdan. I also shot my new fireballs at him.

After that, I was finally free and I could escape this accursed island. I went back to Bravil and I talked to Aleron's wife, now a widow. As a reward, she gave me the book "Biography of the Wolf Queen". I red it, and I gained Speechcraft. Yay, useless.

Despite that, my fame is now 3. Hm, I guess doing all these good deeds pays off after all.

Chapter 16

My next order of business was tracking down that dude that stole the mage staff. I found him rather quickly, and he told me he sold the staff to a man who lives in Imperial city, in Talos plaza. Off we go, then!

Once there, I found the house, I stole the key, I entered his basemant, located the chest with the staff, I took it and voila, back to Bravil. I talked to the Argonian lady and she thanked me, gave me the recommendation and then gave me a new quest, to free some guy named Henantier. So she led me to his house where he was asleep, under the spell of some kind of amulet. So I hopped into the bed next to him and went into his dream world. I expected a lot of nastiness from that place, but actually it turned out to be quite easy, just some four rooms with different traps and challenges.

Once I completed that quest, I decided it's finally time to bring out the big guns and I headed toward the place that I was avoiding for so long. That's right. I went to talk to Jeoffre about the damn Amulet of the Kings. Basically, I started the main quest.

And this is it. This is where I lost my poor Dullardo. Just as I was finally getting to main quest. Oh well, better luck next time I suppose. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I was writing it! :D

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Ashley Hill
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