Let's say that I have a music track that I've converted to a .xwm file. I go into the Creation Kit and I create a new Music Track, which links to that .xwm file. Now, as part of a quest, I need that track to play after I've chosen a certain dialogue line with a certain NPC. That's my situation.
I've already done everything necessary (including the quest, dialogue, actor, aliases, etc.) except for figured out a way to have the track play. I've even got a few lines of code that run when that dialogue line is chosen, but the last thing that I need is for that track to play. Essentially, I suppose that I'm just looking for a command that would work to that effect.
Thanks for any help or direction. If I've missed something glaringly obvious, call me out on it, but I can't seem to find anything online that has helped so far