My question is this if it took 8 aedra to create Nirn what would happen if 8(or more) deadra decided to throw there lot in and do the same? I.e they agreed to put parts of themselves into the creation of an entirely new version of Nirn. Disregarding them viewing it as a trap etc etc for the sake of the argument.
Would this new Nirn be a hellish rendition of the current one given its deadric nature?
Would this create a second dream sleeve etc that would distribute souls to this new Nirn? Could a new Nirn even exist in the same universe as the existing one or would it throw it out of whack? (Almost like a solar system coming into existence beside our own)
Sorry for my lack of knowledge I just found it to be an interesting idea and wondered if any of the lore heavy hitters would have answers to my questions thank you for reading and replying kind regards sameron