So what is the story behind the edible(?) food in thousand year old barrows? Some of them in places that is unlikely bandits or rogue mages have tread.
So what is the story behind the edible(?) food in thousand year old barrows? Some of them in places that is unlikely bandits or rogue mages have tread.
*sigh* We discussed this like a year ago... The Draugr go to Walmart to get fresh produce and when it begins to rot they go to the attic and replace it with plastic food until they go to Walmart again.
Must be an awful lot of preservatives in them!
I came up with two situations...
The Draugr themselves are sometimes send out to collect them from plants nearby and stores them in the tombs as the food which can help them be more healthy. Since it is explained in a book that the Draugr normally 'release' some of their life force to continue keeping the Dragon Priest of the tomb alive; and that same book had mention that it does seems like that the Draugr aren't fully dead, so to say. They still seem to have some sort of 'life force' which the food can help keep healthy, and being well rested helps. (Also note that the foods are fruits and vegs only. Never saw bread or other baked goods before in a tomb except within the camps that bandits set up. And note that I've never seen food within caves, dwarven ruins, etc EXCEPT only when there are living humanoids nearby, such as bandits).
The second one being the Nords came to the tomb, probably near the entrance, and leave them as their offering for the love ones there. (The Draugr takes said items deeper into the tombs).
I like both of those explanations. They are very clean. It also explains the lit braizers and such as well.
Its a trap by draugrs to lure people into the crypts so that they can kill them and eat their delicious hearts and flesh
Of course, the troglodytes of today know nothing of the magicks and sacred techniques they once had. Ask yourselves: Did the Atmorans of old have hunger problems?
Oh wise and merciful Hevnoraak, surely you jest! Surely the Dragon cult of old - benevolent as they are - couldn't possibly be prepared for EVERYTHING? Could they???
Ah, but that is where you are wrong. You see, we of the cult were far more magically attuned then you would think! How can I blame thee for such a thought? Were I in your shoes, my unfortunate mortal heathen, and I were to look upon the degeneration of the magnificent Atmorans who "survive" today as... ugh... "Nords," I too would not believe such a claim. I mean... look at them! They can't even write!
You see, Alduin in his infinite mercy, gave only love to his servants. Looked upon the starving faces of his slaves he did. Struggling to survive the frozen wasteland of Atmora of old. Gave pity he did. And so he confronted the Priesthood of old, and granted them the knowledge of food preservation. Aye, that he did.
No my attentive mortals, not primitive techniques you mortals of today use. Not "salt." No, no, NO! Our knowledge in the arcane rivaled the Altmer! Yes, RIVALED! Using powerful magicks, our food could persevere indefinitely! Have faith we did in Alduin - praise be. For with faith, our crops would never go bad! Our slaughtered meat would never spoil!
So faithful we were, that death would not stop us. Like our undying loyalty, our foods too, remain unspoiled. And forever ripe they are. Forever ripe they remain. Forever ripe they shall be. Forever ripe, until Alduin himself ushers forth the end times, and rewards the Priests of old and their followers. Praise be Alduin, praise be.
I believe your royal Draugr servants going out to get the food, with combination of well resting, is what help them keep their life force content enough for them to "live", and mind if I add help keep YOU alive, since your Draugr servants will come to your tomb as you rest and release some of their life force onto your body...
In other words, the Draugr got the foods fresh from the wilds in order to keep you alive.
They are special fruits and vegetables. The draugrs grow them in barrels. Occasionally the peddler comes by and they barter it for candles. Draugrs love candlelight.