I'm in Harkon's training room and I just woke up and he's telling me to lord it. Lord selected and I click nothing happens except a tiny click noise. No lord. On xbox obviously no mods. Loading prev save does nothing. Any known fix?
I'm in Harkon's training room and I just woke up and he's telling me to lord it. Lord selected and I click nothing happens except a tiny click noise. No lord. On xbox obviously no mods. Loading prev save does nothing. Any known fix?
You are pressing the shout button and not just equipping the right?
yes dragon shout button tho i haven't done the main quest line yet on this char
i'm dark elf usually that button is for drow fairy fire and it works fine but not for this
did you make sure to select that proper "vampire lord" power in the magic menu?
Are you selecting the vampire lord power?