Hello, I'm not sure if this is the wrong section or not, but it seems close enough.
I have noticed an interesting (and opportune) interaction between transparent textures and where Enchantment shaders appear.
In my case, I added an Alpha property to a copied Axe's .nif, and then retextured the axe's main .dds to have a transparent blade, so that it would look similar to a Black Soul Gem. I then added the new retextured model to my custom weapon in the Creation Kit, and gave said weapon a custom Enchantment. Lo and behold, when I loaded up my weapon in-game, the Enchantment shader only appeared on the transparent parts of the weapon model!
Why is this happening, and how exactly does this work? I'd like to learn how best to use it for future weapon retextures, as I can already imagine many places where it might look marvelous; for example, only making the edge of a blade 1% transparent, making it nearly impossible to see through (hopefully not at all) but restricting the Enchantment shader to the edge.