Hey all.. Ive finally broken down, and installed SKSE, SkyUI, and Skyrim Redone.. Previously, i had bunches, and bunches of armor, and weapons mods.. Now that im playing a new character, im seeing that some of the dmg values on some of my weapons seem incorrect..For example, my Shortbows are doing say 40 dmg, while longbows maybe 15.. This was before i entered the Marksmanship tree whatsoever.. Is Immersive Weapons/Armor conflicting with SkyRe?
I tried reading the "SkyRe Guide", but P3ond (author) makes alot of jokes, and its difficult to get a legit answer from it..I was referred to a mod (ReProccer) that allows me to manually change values, but its far to advanced for me to attempt..Basically all i want to know is am i able to keep these weapon/armor mods, or are they indeed giving me values that arent intended with SkyRe?
Some of the other mods are still installed, but the Immersive Weapons, and Armors seem to be the only one giving direct issues.. Also, im seeing doubles of certain weapons in the crafting list, when smithing, and theyll have differnent dmg/weight/costs from one another...This was the 2nd red flag, that started bringing, what may be a problem, to my attemtion
Thank you in advance for any help, and clarification.. This community has always been good to me, and very helpful with any issue i have.. Keep up the great work