Also I plan on using alchemy enchanting and smithing exploits to atleast get the ebony blade up there with a normal two handed when I have the time.
Also I plan on using alchemy enchanting and smithing exploits to atleast get the ebony blade up there with a normal two handed when I have the time.
My favourite play style is a cloth wearing pure mage who uses no weapons (bound or conventional) and relies purely on casting the right spell at the right time. I find this the most challenging play style for me to play although I do enjoy other play styles to.
Yea I feel that arrows should be close to one hit when strong enough.
I really like clothed 'warrior' builds using alteration magic instead of light or heavy armour with archery backup.
Pure mage is still my favourite but I really like sneak builds. Archery, Illusion, Sneak, One Handed, Conjuration, Light Armour Enchanting as somebody said is very fun and that's what my current build is. I like playing an Assassin like 'Dram' from Redguard as well.
Ranger build is really fun for Skyrim as well because I think Skyrim's rural/wilderness areas are fantastic and the cities are relatively pants.
Only builds I hate are 2 handed warrior with axes or warhammers which is made worse by stupid killcams, and pure thief.
True but that's not the issue I'm referring to, there's a range on arrows doing any damage, even if you clearly hit your mark. It's most easily visible if you're shooting at a mammoth from outside the damage range and the arrow seems to pass right through the mammoth. It's very annoying, especially when arrows can make contact with blacksmith signs from far enough away that you can barely see them yet the contact range for living things is so damn short.
Check this vid if you want to see exactly what I mean:
Atm its warrior/mage hybrids because it offers a lot of variation in combat.
So far, Nord warrior with 1H, Block, Sneak & LA mixed with some Destruction and Restoration goodness, occasionally I'll use archery if I judge the situation warrants it, having a real challenge on Master level and just trying to focuss on fulfilling the MQ with occasional side or radiant runs with no followerers. Best game play I've had in a LONG time...
I don't like using magic that much. Only time I ever use it is when i'm fighting a dragon. Those things will bite my head off, and the shield to stagger them isn't always reliable. Sometimes they stagger and sometimes they don't.
A Spellsword, AKA Light Armor, a weapon in one hand and a Destruction spell in the other. It may not be the most effective way of playing, but it's by far the way I find to be most enjoyable.
My current character is a Light Armour, 1h sword and magic user. I've been focusing on Restoration, Alteration, Destruction magics along with a few perks in Archery and enchanting/smithing. I'm planning on re-using the Smithing and Enchanting perks after I finish Dragonborn, I should have my gear set by then and won't need to forge any new items. I still haven't made my mind up yet about wearing armour or not. I'm not going to wear Glass or Elvish with this character, so I may be capped at something like Scaled. If so, it may be more effective just to get my Alteration to 100, and use it with no armour at all.
edit - so far, this character kind of feels like the culmination of everything I've tried to do in Skyrim. She feels like the "best" character I've made so far.
Almost any type of archer: stealthy archer (thief, assassin), witch hunter, melee archer. Even the restoration/conjuration mage, that I am currently playing, is using conjured bows. I can't seem to help myself. I never tire of slaying enemies with bow and arrow. So satisfying.