I know this is "very" "very" unlikely but is it possible I found a item know one has seen before? I couldn't locate any information on the wiki or web.
Its called: Powerful Venomous Ring
Poison 30 to 50 in 10ft on Target
Disintegrate Armor 80 to 100pts for 20 sec in 10ft on Target
Demoralize create 80 to 100pts for 20 sec in 10ft on Target
Weakness to poision 200% in 10ft on Target
Damage fatigue 50 to 100pts in 10ft on Target
Absorb health 1 pt for 20 sec in 10ft on Target
I haven't tried using it myself as I have never been fond of "on cast" items, but I thought I would share my possible discovery. Neat item.