So, after outleveling Faendal and relegating him to Steward (he's too cool to just leave in Riverwood), and getting tired of J'zargo's weak spells (although his durability was great), my girlfriend asked me what other followers there were, and I looked on my phone. She's level 48, so the options are limited in terms of leveling.
Requirements? She wanted someone that exceeds the level cap and preferably an archer or mage, but would rather have a mage.
I got one... he doesn't exceed the level cap, but he has a very high level cap (60).
Teldryn Sero
She gave him Miraak's Sword and Miraak's Staff (as well as the Sanguine Rose that he occasionally uses). Needless to say, he's awesome! Perhaps my new favorite follower. Unique dialogue, unique appearance, actually having default armor that is good for him, he's just plain awesome. He uses decent spells, mainly fire with some ice, and I have seen him use Flame Wall (unless it was a glitch). His damage output is great, and he dual wield's Miraak's gear and is good in pretty much any combat situation. He's not quite as durable as J'zargo in full enchanted ebony, but his damage output and overall cool personality makes up for it.
Anyone else used him? What are your opinions?