I've had some skills maxed for awhile now (Smithing, Enchanting, Sneak, etc.) and I'm wondering about how 'Legendary Skill Training' works.
Any help/info would be greatly appreciated. Questions -
When you choose to Legendary Train a skill - does it reset to 0 and do you lose all perks associated with that skill? (So no more making Elven Armor, etc. until you've retrained it with Legendary?)
Do you get all those perk points back, and - does it cost more than those accumulated perk points to re-train that skill in Legendary mode?
Is it more difficult to train back to 100 for a Legendary Skill? example - will you need to mine and smith as much or more than you did the first time you got Smithing to 100?
If you choose to re-train Smithing in Legendary - are your armor and weapons MUCH more powerful?
I already have a set of (Epic) light armor - how much more would this increase if I had Smithing (Legendary) Trained to 100?
Thanks for any help and information - overall would you say it's worth it to retrain skill as Legendary?