I'm trying to complete the "Auriel's Bow" quest for Therana & supposedly its possible to pickpocket the npc that has it. Now here are my adjusted stats after casting a bunch of spells to increase success:
Agility 200
Luck 200
Sneak 160
Chameleon 100%
Invisibility 100% (Cast after chameleon)
Still catches me every time despite being behind him & partially behind pillar. I can not kill him as I am the leader of the temple & if he dies I get expelled. Any suggestions?
P.S. I tried taunting him thinking I might be able to kill him without penalty if he attacked me first & that also didn't work. On a funny note, the first time I tried doing it he aoe'd one of the other npcs & killed them & I was blamed for his crime lol odd....
Thanks for your time