So, I've been playing around with Morrowind again lately, for the first time in a couple of years. Just screwing around with old characters, mostly, but I feel a bit too detached from my old characters to really want to pick them up where I left off. So it's time for a new character, a new playthrough.
My previous characters were a couple of Hlaalu Witch-hunter/Nightblade types (supplemental magic, stealth, short blades and bows, light armor, alchemy) and a House Redoran spear-fighter crusader type. (supplemental magic, spears, heavy armor).
I wanna play a Mage type this time. Not just someone who uses supplemental magic to enhance his non-magical activities. Not the preset class, but I want to play a character who wears mostly enchanted clothes and a staff. Dark Elf, Atronach. Eccentric Telvanni Magelord who sets out to kill Dagoth Ur because his impending conquest of Morrowind would be most inconvenient for my research. I've given it a couple tries so far but just haven't been able to get it to click for me, yet.
Now, I'm not taking every Magic skill in my majors and minors. I plan on leaving one Intelligence-based skill and one Willpower-based skill in Miscellaneous to give me a bit more control over my multipliers when I level up. I'm not looking for +5s every time, but it's disheartening to see my Intelligence go up by one or two while my Speed or something gets a +4 thanks to Athletics. I do play DiD, so while I don't want to powergame everything to unfun, I do want a fighting chance.
So, I'm looking for suggestions on what Magic skills are best put in Misc? What skills go up fast enough through use that it doesn't matter too much that they're relegated to Misc?