So just a couple of days ago I installed Morrowloot, and I'm enjoying the subtle changes it makes.
However, I've been thinking about adding an overhaul mod to my list, something similar to TIE or OOO for Oblivion. I'm still sort of torn between SkyRe, ACE, and Requiem - but I think I'm leaning towards Requiem.
Requiem (as well as SkyRe) changes (delevels) the world, in terms of both enemies and loot. So I imagine this could conflict with Morrowloot. I think it'd be nice to keep Morrowloot around, though, since it adds some new lore-friendly weapons and armor.
My question is how to resolve that supposed conflict. If I can't have both Morrowloot and Requiem running together, should I just untick Morrowloot in my mod list, or uninstall it altogether? Or can I just move Morrowloot after Requiem in my load order to see if some of its changes will remain?