Hey guys,
I'm currently working on a re-texture of the Skyforge Steel Weapons, making them stand out from normal steel.
Among other features, the mod adds a Skyforge Mace and a Skyforge Warhammer (which I never understood why was missing from the game at all. Feel free to share thoughts on this...)
However, while the weapons are all made craftable, I would like the two new ones added to Eorlund Grey-Mane's inventory like the vanilla ones, so it doesn't look like they were ever missing at all.
However, In the creation kit I find no Skyforge Steel Weapons in Eorlund's inventory, and as they only appear after a certain quest (Companion quest: ‘Glory of the Dead’), I suspect they are added by something else (a script/quest maybe?)
I just can't find what...
Can anyone help me find out where I should reference my two new items, in order to make them appear along the vanilla Skyforge Weapons in Eorlunds inventory?
Any and all help is appreciated!