Hello, I'm CrazyKilla
So this is the second time I've been to blackreach with the dawnguard dlc enabled and the chaurus hunters are not attacking me, this has happened in both times and it is really annoying, they see me and just follow me around but not attack me, as if they have no attacking animation.
If I try to kill them they just fly around and it's hard to hit them, they make a annoying fluttering sound with their wings and when I do kill them they just freeze with their wings still fluttering. I can still search them whilst they just fly there in the spot.
Here's my list of mods:
Dawnguard, Dragonborn and Hearthfire
Apex Werewolf
Amethyst hollows
Better hunting prices
Codifers enhanced smithing
Enchanced Blood textures
Deadly spell impacts
Detailed rugs
Skyrim steam HD texture pack all 3 parts
Killable children
Better horses
more material variants - dawnguard edition
Towns and villages enhanced: villages
Werewolf's of skyrim
Whiterun spruce
Realistic water two + legendary
Anyone else got this problem? Can I fix this?
I completed dawnguard before and these hunters attacked and died fine.
I googled tihs bug and nothing came up, and wiki didn't have this bug either.