Editing a few item names in an ESP-file

Post » Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:57 pm

Hello, I'd appreciate it if someone could provide me with advice on a small modding problem.

I'm playing Skyrim in German. One of my favorite non-translated mods, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24909/?, includes two ESPs: 'AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp' and 'Differently Ebony.esp'. I want to use both of these, however the problem is that they cause glass armor and ebony armor pieces to display the English names in-game. So, I'd like to use the Creation Kit in order to change the in-game display names to German.

Being new to modding, I'm facing what's probably a beginner's problem.

1. I launch the Creation Kit (via the Skyrim Mod Organizer).

2. I enter the Data window, activate 'Skyrim.esm', 'Update.esm', and 'AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp' (to start with)

3. I set 'AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp' as the active file, review the detail screen, and click OK

4. I get a warning about 'MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed', and click 'Yes to all'

5. I then get http://s2.postimg.org/6279uni7d/Capture.png, and the Creation Kit crashes

What might I be doing wrong?

Thanks for your time. :smile:

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Red Bevinz
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Post » Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:59 am

This is most likely caused by the CK trying to load one of the DLC masters (if AMB variants has it listed as a master, the CK will try to auto-load it even if you didn't check it). You need to change the SkyrimEditor.ini in order for it to let you load any DLCs. You also may have to change the ini to allow multiple masters to load at the same time - I don't remember if that is an issue for trying to load Skyrim.esm with Update.esm or not, been awhile since I encountered the problem. http://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/846944689693225812/

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