85 is the total DR of Daedric Armor + Daedric Boots + Daedric Gauntlet, without tempering. With 100 Smithing, Daedric Smithing, and according to , it would give you 20 DR for each item. So total DR of Daedric set without Helmet with 100 Smithing and Daedric Smithing is 85 + (20x3) = 145. says that each skill level of Heavy Armor will increase your armor rating 0.4%. I'm not sure about the base 15 skill points, but 15 x (0.4)=6 DR; its a neglectable value.
So 100 - 15 = 85 skill points to max out, which would give a maximum of 85 x (0.4) = 34% before any perks is put in. So your DR is now at 145 + ((34x145)/100) = 194.
With 5 points in Juggernauts this would double the value (20% x 5) into the final value of 388. You don't get any bonus from Matching Set and Well-fitted.
Though, if you still want to max out the cap without the helmet. The is: (Noted that Effective Skill can be used to crunch in Base Skill, and Base Skill can be input to get Effective Skill; the basis idea behind the wonderful Restoration Loop)
(base skill ? 13.29)(1 + perk)(1 + Σenchantments)(1 + Σpotions) + 13.29
where perk is 1 if you have the relevant Smithing perk and 0 otherwise. Σenchantments equals the sum of your Fortify Smithing enchantment divided by 100. Σpotions equals the sum of your Fortify Smithing potions divided by 100.
So if you have 100 Enchanting, which gives four 25% Fortify Smithing items (which equals 100% Fortify Smithing), this would give you (100 - 13.29)(1+1)(1 + 1)(1+0) + 13.29 = 360.13 in Effective Skill. (effective skill + 38) × 3/103, rounded down. Since your Effective Skill is 360.13, this would result in a Base Skill of (360.13 + 38) x 3/103 = 11.
Each new level in Base Skill would give you 3.6 DR for smithing. So Base Skill level of 11 would give you 39.6 DR, rounded down 39 increase for each item when tempering.
This would give you 85 + (39x3) = 202 before 100 Heavy Armor and perks. With 100 Heavy Armor it would be 202 + ((34x202)/100) = 270.68. With 5 in Juggernaut it would be 541.36 total DR. 567 is the cap. Drink any Smithing potion would give you more than enough to reach the cap, or just use the Lord Stone.
... Only if you have a set of Fortify Smithing gear and a commonly-found low level Fortify Smithing potion.