looks to be, thanks

Pacific Morrowind
BP-CosmeticLibraryBase-Public.esmMG01-fix.espLoot All Armor.espVAs Better Gold with no Menu Icon.espOBC City Life - FULL.espBP-Cosmetic_Compilation-Alternative.espBodysuit for Exnem.esp
Primate Rank Fix.espMG01-fix.esp\----------------------------------\Non-English Language fixes
Lock Bash Omega.espLoot All Armor.espLyn-DarkBrotherhoodAssassins.esp
VA_BetterGold.esp% {{BASH:Graphics}}VAs Better Gold with no Menu Icon.esp% {{BASH:Graphics}}Vampire Alchemy V1.1.esp
moDem's City Life.esp? May cause crashes in the IC Market district. May have been fixed. Needs verification.OBC City Life - FULL.espCrowded Cities 15.esp
BlueStaff.espBodysuit for Exnem.espBoethiahs assassin armor.esp