Skyre - Is this normal (Levelling & Damage)

Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:35 am

Hi all,

I've just reinstalled skyrim and am starting through again, I've added Skyre as well as immersive weapons & armours (Plus a bunch of graphics mods), run the re-proccer and have the level uncapper running however I just wanted to make sure something hasn't gone wrong as I seem to be levelling up crazy fast.

Case in point, all I have done so far is leave Helgen, go to Riverwood for the golden claw quest and head through bleak-falls barrow. I'm primarily sneaking around and using a crossbow/iron longbow but I'm already almost level 6 and my marksman skill has gone from 15 to 30 during this time!

It seems my marksman skill is going up every 5-6 hits and I'm levelling up about every 5 skill increases, on top of that, my Iron Longbow is showing damage of 51, crossbow damage of 46 and I just pulled an Orchish Mace(!) out of the big-loot chest at the end of Bleak Falls Barrow which does damage of 36 while all the ancient nordic greatswords etc that the draugh were carrying in the ruins were all in the mid-20s for damage.

Do all these figures sound about right? Reading it back, the damage looks OK but I'm a bit concerned that the levelling has gone wrong and I'm going to end up far to high, far too quickly.

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Philip Rua
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:33 am

Are you sure that you're using the correct "Uncapper" config?

I think the Uncapper config installed by SkyRe may slow the leveling a bit.

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Claire Lynham
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:43 am

Your leveling speed is handled by the Uncapper, not by SkyRe. If you want to slow down the rate at which your character levels the best thing to do is to edit your SKSE_Elys_Uncapper.ini file.

Under the [General] section change bUsePCLevelSkillExpMults=0 to bUsePCLevelSkillExpMults=1. Then scroll down to the [PCLevelSkillExpMults] section. Each skill has a number in this section. By default they are all 1.0. If you want to slow your character's leveling speed by half you would change these numbers to 0.5. The smaller the number the less that skill will contribute to your character's overall leveling speed.

You can also change the rate at with each skill levels. In the [General] section, change bUseSkillExpGainMults=0 to bUseSkillExpGainMults=1. Scroll down to the [SkillExpGainMults] section and alter those numbers to suit your taste, as you did in the other section.

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