I've made a simple cut scene script, where player should act as camera, but there's a problem.
When I use PositionCell script, timer stops, when I removed this line, anything works fine. What am I doing wrong?
begin Cutscene1float timershort s1If ( GetDistance, Player <= 256 ) set timer to (timer + GetSecondsPassed) if ( s1 == 0 ) if(s1==0) Player-> PositionCell, 512, -554, 480, 20 "My Cell" PCForce1stPerson DisablePlayerControls PlaySound "cavein" set s1 to 1 endif if(timer >= 2) ;here script stops, when Player-> PositionCell is enabled if(s1==1) set objectdoessomething to 1 PlaySound "endboom4" set s1 to 2 endif endif if(timer >=4) if(s1==2) Player-> PositionCell, 448, -960, -64, 180 "My Cell" EnablePlayerControls set s1 to 3 endif endif if(timer >= 20) ;here also script stops, when first PositionCell is disabled, this above is enabled if(s1==3) set objectdoessomething to 2 PlaySound "endboom4" set s1 to 4 endif endif endifendifend Cutscene1