What's Your Character(s) Back-Story?

Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:05 pm

Pretty straight forward and I've been searching hard for this kind of thread so link if it does exist :)

Just incorporate their name, race, age and all that jazz into the small (or long) back story. Can't wait to read some! And choose your most favoured character so there isn't too much to read. Or do two but keep them mild in length :)


Fyra is an extremely fair-skinned young Dunmer woman, her hair resembles that of a flame hence her name relating to fire. She was born out of trying times in Blacklight. Though she doesn't remember much since she was taken from her birthplace at the early age of 3. It was only after her house, to which she can't place the name, refused "half-bloods" in their house that her mother and Fyra fled to Cyrodiil.

Fyra and her mother lived in a bad way for about 2 years, her mother was forced to steal their supper and squat in the basemants of houses for good rest. These certain things led to a small bounty for her mother, Syren. Thankfully, her mother never caught because she became good at her work, soon enough mixing with the notorious Thieves Guild in the Imperial City. Fyra was raised amongst thieves and learnt invaluable techniques for pick pocketing, lock picking and general sneaking. She was scamming merchants for good food by 13 and snatching fat coin purses by 15. She was often called Nim for her nimble hands. But Fyra had been practising her gift with fire-magic on the side, increasing her skill.

Her mother completely trusted a fellow high ranking guild member who was not the nicest Altmer. One night, he pulled along her mother for a big steal on a wealthy target. But, the target awoke with Syrens hand in his pocket. Her "partner" murdered the target, stole his money and fled when guards arrived. They believed it was her so she had an execution to her name. By the time she got back, she was branded a murderer by the guild thanks to that partner. They wanted her out, so Syren agreed to leave on the condition she could say her goodbyes to Fyra.

Young 17 Fyra was confused, but her mother confessed the secret about her. Her father was a Nord man, hence her fair skin and fiery hair. She told her daughter she would go to Skyrim and wait in the city of Windhelm, as she was not welcome here any more. Since Fyra was a thief, she had her own coins and suggested she follow her mother but was denied. Syren knew she would not escape Cyrodiil alive for her "crimes", so left that night and what happened to her remains unknown.

Fyra left for Skyrim when she was 23, all her knowledge was acquired for thieving. In fact, it was the reason she was caught to have her head taken in Helgen. She was captured trying to pick the pocket of an Imperial Soldier. And the rest, well it's a long tale. But, she hates High Elves and refuses to acknowledge them properly, calling them "Yellow Scum".


So, now share yours? ^-^

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:22 am

Female wood elf who, out of love, left her home in Valenwood after becoming infected with vampirism. Her last memory there - "Burn it! Burn the vampire!" Hated by all, she embraces and masters her new abilities. She'll not be burned. She'll not hide in a cave. She will take Skyrim as her own.

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meghan lock
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:01 am

Because I know no one will read long RP texts, I'll keep it brief:

1) http://static1.nexusmods.com/110/images/110/1079527-1371265719.jpg the High Elf Barbarian,

daughter of my Daggerfall character, also a barbarian named Marinn.

Lived in Cyrodiil, went to exile after Great War.

Came to Skyrim to escape Thalmor while at the same time staying in a relatively hospitable land.

Dragon blood came to her as a massive disappointment, and considers it a curse.

She is very much aware that she is a high elf fulfilling a Nord prophecy.

She can't wait until Alduin is dead and the civil war is over so she can retire to the quiet life she has always wanted.

2) http://static1.nexusmods.com/110/images/110/1079527-1366643277.jpg the High Elf Mage

Ex Thalmor who was betrayed and left for dead in an Ayleid ruin by that Thalmor dude in Solstheim..

Came to Skyrim to purge Talos on his own to rehabilitate himself.

Spending much time with locals made him realize the error in his ways

He defected and now is a hero of Skyrim.

3) http://static1.nexusmods.com/110/images/110/1079527-1384370105.jpg, the Nord Battlemage and Master Enchanter. Looked like http://static1.nexusmods.com/110/images/110/1079527-1365234706.jpg before vampirism.

Orphaned at an early age, bookworm who was interested in magic and ancient Nords.

Did not and does not like Stormcloaks or any pseudo-Nord half-wit that dare call themselves "True Nords" these days.

He does not really mind the Empire but would rather have them leave Skyrim because it is clearly doing more harm than good to Brunirr's people.

Takes Dragon blood seriously and through his pragmatic mind he does not avert any means to increase his power to defeat the dragons.

Thus he is a vampire and plans to usurp the Dragon Priests' power and use them for his own ends. Regularly deals with Daedric Lords.

An anti-hero by his nature, he crosses the line more often than once to make sure he outlives the dragon menace.

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:08 pm

Name: Poison Deathbell
Race: Breton
Class: Poison Assassin / Venom Bride

After seeing poor Lokir of Rorikstead get killed a few hundred times, I thought I'd use him as part of the backstory for a build. Poison Deathbell (who is the prettiest Breton chick I've created so far) was due to wed old Lokir but that was ruined when he was killed by the Imperials. Much like her sister Muiri, she was an apothecary's assistant learning all about alchemy. After her would be husband was killed, she began diligent study of poisons and took the moniker of Poison Deathbell to begin her wrath of vengance against Tullius, the Imperials and the Empire.

Armor: Vitoria vicci's wedding dress . Ebony mail.

Gear: 3 glass bows - absorb health/frost damage, absorb health/fire damage, absorb health/shock damage.

Primary skills: Alchemy - all perks; Enchanting - right up the middle to get the duel enchantment perk. Block - all perks (this is only defense)

Secondary skills: Sneak, conjuration and alteration.

NO PERKS in archery or one handed.
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:24 am

I found that back story does not increase immersion as much as it should have for me personally, but, anyway:

Maximus, a breton, was born in Bravil in the year 4E 177.

He lived a modest life with his family of merchants until at the age of 12 a brutal attack by cultists killed every ember of his immediate family as well as many townsfolk.

He discovered the these cultists were in service to the daedric entity Molag bal, (this group had escaped persecution earlier due to the town's historical tolerance of the daedra.)

Of course, what could be done by an unarmed populace to face such a threat?

Maximus spent some of his youth as a petty thief in order to survive.

He left bravil at the age of fifteen to reside in a more prosperous city.

As he came of age, he began to teach himself the art of restoration and conjuration, hand-to-hand, as well as the use of the short sword.

Eventually, he had grown strong enough, he returned to the out-skirts of his home city and tracked the cultists the a near by settlement.

He managed to spill the blood of several of them with the help of a few old friends from his childhood.

As fate dictated, the town guard did not hold such an act in high favor, as they pursued the parting perpetrators.

Maximus dreamed of a new life in skyrim, but his hopes were cut short in a stroke of, "luck" as he was accosted by imperials mistaking him as a storm-cloak, he was sent to the near-by town to be executed.

(The next part of the story is implied, and lengthy.)

Even after discovering his own destiny as dragonborn, and becoming a grand hero, he never forgets his true enemies, the daedra.

And as he collects more power still, agelessness, the thu'um, and more, the thought emerges,

"Nothing, is invincible."

"Not even daedra."

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:06 am

I am playing as http://static1.nexusmods.com/110/mods/110/images/507-1-1384017164.jpg. I've been inspired by the Guts from Berserk I admit, and I am using Bagserk's Berserk races mod, but I have been taking him in my own direction. My Guts's backstory is that he was an orphan. He doesn't know who his parents were. As a child he was raised by a gang of bandits. These bandits abused and mistreated him, but he also learned the basics of fighting, lockpicking, and sneaking from them. One day when one of the bandits was molesting him he got so fed up with the abuse that he killed the bandit in a fit of rage. Fearing retribution from the other bandits he fled. Still a child he managed to survive the following years by hunting and foraging, and mercenary work, though he didn't make much money doing that at first, still being a child and thus not being viewed as worth much.

This he has been doing up to the time the game starts.

He hates monsters, including werewolves. When he was living off the land he of course had to kill and avoid being killed by beasts of many kinds, so he obviously doesn't like them. But it goes deeper than that. He has done many brutal and violent things in his life in order to survive. He has become a hard and rough man, but deep down there is a part of him that hates this about himself. He hates monsters because in them he sees what he hates about himself, and what he fears becoming. He is desperate to hold on to his humanity.

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