Pretty straight forward and I've been searching hard for this kind of thread so link if it does exist
Just incorporate their name, race, age and all that jazz into the small (or long) back story. Can't wait to read some! And choose your most favoured character so there isn't too much to read. Or do two but keep them mild in length
Fyra is an extremely fair-skinned young Dunmer woman, her hair resembles that of a flame hence her name relating to fire. She was born out of trying times in Blacklight. Though she doesn't remember much since she was taken from her birthplace at the early age of 3. It was only after her house, to which she can't place the name, refused "half-bloods" in their house that her mother and Fyra fled to Cyrodiil.
Fyra and her mother lived in a bad way for about 2 years, her mother was forced to steal their supper and squat in the basemants of houses for good rest. These certain things led to a small bounty for her mother, Syren. Thankfully, her mother never caught because she became good at her work, soon enough mixing with the notorious Thieves Guild in the Imperial City. Fyra was raised amongst thieves and learnt invaluable techniques for pick pocketing, lock picking and general sneaking. She was scamming merchants for good food by 13 and snatching fat coin purses by 15. She was often called Nim for her nimble hands. But Fyra had been practising her gift with fire-magic on the side, increasing her skill.
Her mother completely trusted a fellow high ranking guild member who was not the nicest Altmer. One night, he pulled along her mother for a big steal on a wealthy target. But, the target awoke with Syrens hand in his pocket. Her "partner" murdered the target, stole his money and fled when guards arrived. They believed it was her so she had an execution to her name. By the time she got back, she was branded a murderer by the guild thanks to that partner. They wanted her out, so Syren agreed to leave on the condition she could say her goodbyes to Fyra.
Young 17 Fyra was confused, but her mother confessed the secret about her. Her father was a Nord man, hence her fair skin and fiery hair. She told her daughter she would go to Skyrim and wait in the city of Windhelm, as she was not welcome here any more. Since Fyra was a thief, she had her own coins and suggested she follow her mother but was denied. Syren knew she would not escape Cyrodiil alive for her "crimes", so left that night and what happened to her remains unknown.
Fyra left for Skyrim when she was 23, all her knowledge was acquired for thieving. In fact, it was the reason she was caught to have her head taken in Helgen. She was captured trying to pick the pocket of an Imperial Soldier. And the rest, well it's a long tale. But, she hates High Elves and refuses to acknowledge them properly, calling them "Yellow Scum".
So, now share yours? ^-^