Is it known why so many of the races of Tamriel display a sixual dualism? Since the et'Ada have no six, that is they cannot be male or female, and Mer and Men are descendants of the divine then why hasn't this trait been conserved? Rather than having races with male and female counterparts should there not be a single six - that could reproduce asixually perhaps? Even Argonians who are assumed to be created by the hist show this dualism. I understand it was probably just a gameplay choice initially but I'm not sure if this has actually been explored in the lore; the closest I have come to an explanation is in which describes the interfertility of the races and mentions "magickal experimentation," and "gradual changes from one generation to the next," which seems to suggest some form of Nirnian evolution. So I wonder, then, if the common races were originally monosix and then eventually split as a result of dawn-magick mutation.